Citizens of Austria

Day 561, 20:30 Published in Austria Austria by Max Brand

As the next presidential election looms just one day away I'm full of hope for our country. A fresh start, a new sense of optimism in the future. Not to disparage the accomplishments of our past President but a new administration assuming power often reinvigorates the government.

Many promises are made along the campaign trail but it is up to us, the citizens of eAustria, to hold our elected leaders accountable if they do no deliver. If your congress votes for laws you do not agree with, make sure they don't serve another term. If your President fails to act, fails to play the role of the eloquent diplomat, impeach him. If you have ideas for our nation, bring them out, let them be heard publicly. Challenge your government and yourselves to do better. Understandingly, the next President will not have an easy task ahead. Our economy is weak, our territory has been reduced to a solitary region, and our old enemies are at our doorstep. There is a lot of work to be done to make eAustria strong again. We must be courageous in our hearts and on the battlefield but I do not believe it is impossible.

I only hope our next President has the will and strength to guide us out of these dark times towards something greater than we are now.

This is the first communication from the Austrian Liberation Front.