CHUKOTKA(the coldest and earliest place on earth )

Day 1,568, 08:38 Published in Ireland South Africa by Domagoj 93

Let me to introduce you to 10 most weird places on earth.
Some of them are so cold,some are to hot but they are all unique.

So see NO. 10


welcome to CHUKOTKA,where it's currently -30 °C and so windy that in the capital, Anadyr ropes are tied along the streets to stop itinhabitants from blowing away.

It'so cold here that people don't use their freezers.They hang their meat in plastic bags on nails above their windows.Spring and summer,when they arrive in June,last mere eight weeks 😛 . The Bering sea,one of four seas that wash aginst Chukotkan shores,freezes hard enough to support weights of up to 35 tons.There's no crime because it's just too dam cold.

Chukotka is, in a fact, a remote territory of Russia.It covers 284,000 square miles of frozen landscape,bordering the Bering Strait and straddling the artic circle.Nine time zones ahead,of moscow. it lies right behind International Dateline,where yesterday collides with today.THERE IS NOWHERE ON EARTH EARLIER THAN HERE.Conditions are cruel and there may seem little to be passionate about other than reindeer,vodka,and the weird weather,but Chukotka has captured the interest of bilionaire Roman Abramovič.

The inhabiitants of etc.Chelsea,England,could not imagine the life of the inhabitants of Chukotka.Locals like to boast that last winter the wind chill took the recorded temperature of -42°C down to -100°C.It's generallx too cold to for outdoor sports or any kind of cafe society.Snow covers the ground from September to May,which means there are no gardens or woodlan😛the only flowers are the plastic ones which adorn resturant tables.
Roman Abramovič is a(former) governor of CHukotka and he had built Canadian-style wooden house in Chukotka.

The current governor of Chukotka is Roman Kopin. He replaced business oligarch Roman Abramovich in July 2008. Abramovich had spent over US$1 billion in the region (partly as normal tax payments) on developing infrastructure and providing direct aid to the inhabitant.

Some suspect that Abramovič hopes for vast returning Chukotka natural resources wich include 1.2 billions tons of oil and gas and the seacond largest gold reserves in Russia.