Chuck and Zuck...

Day 1,605, 11:21 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

Hey folks, what's up?....Wait I gotta think of a better introduction...Ladies and Gentleman...boys and girls...I present you my newest article...Like they say, like a sir.
Now enough of me talking cr*p, here let's get straight to the matter.
I haven't wrote an article in a while and in this couple of days, I'm gonna write more than I usually do. Now today I'm going to talk about a lot of topics and tomorrow we have an interview with a common man. He's not a politician nor somebody else which you see in everyday media...He is a common and ordinary man!

Page 1: Facebook's idiotic(clever) purchase of Instagram
Hunger games (Haven't seen the film but I will still talk about it)
Page 2: Chuck (I won't reveal his last name but it's not Norris) 😃
& Extras

Mr. Zuckerberg sure is a clever man and he certenly knows his job but really what the fu*k is going on in his billion dollar brain? I'm not someone who should yap about this but I'm a common man and I have the right to criticize and give comments. So there are two possibilities over here, he got a light bulb in his bright brain and got a trillion dollar idea for Instagram and decided to offer a price which they can't refuse. And the second possibility is that he liked Instagram and decided to buy it for an idiotic price. Though I don't think that he just bought it because he thought it was good business, I think that he is up to something that can make him at least 3 times more than what he gave for Instagram. Or there is a slight chance for a third possibility, that this is some kind of financial scam and fraud but I think that Zucki is a honest man plus I'm not a conspiracy theorist...though sometimes I might sound like one, trust me I'm least for now...
So my ladies, what is your opinion?...And Gentleman too, of course?

Hunger games. A friend of mine said, this is going to be the new Twilight(haven't watched that either) but I start to think that this is the new Avatar(I watched this one for the record). The noise around it, even before it came out was too damn big. I live in Macedonia(it's not a cave don't worry) and I think it's in the movies over here but I'm too lazy to go see it there, I'll wait till it comes out on teh Internet(with HD quallity) and watch it. Till then, I will hear stories. But I gotta ask you people, does it really taste like they describe it? Or is it just another movie that payed way too much for marketing and publicity?

That is one hell of a strong chick...

What is your first thought when you hear Chuck?
Is it Chucky...Norris?
But this time I won't talk about him because I might as well end up like food for the worms...I will talk about another genius named Chuck!

Chuck..........Lorre! You must've heard about him. Especially you people that live in teh USA! He is the writer and producer of many great shows! For example: Two and half man, The Big Bang Theory, Dharma & Greg...I think you get it. I have to say that this man is a pure genius and I've decided to dedicate part of this article to him!

Fun Fact: If you have watched at least one of these shows you can see that at the end of them there is something called a "vanity card". And in these
"vanity cards" Chucky writes pretty interesting things. For example:

And many more, that are full of wisdom! Cheers to this genius that always makes me laugh!

Now a joke:

"Little Johnny awoke one night to hear strange noises coming from his parents bedroom. When he opened the door his dad was on his mom naked .

He said"Dad what are you and mom doing? His dad told him "I'm parking my car in yours mom's garage. Go back to bed."

Well the next day, the girl next door came over to play with johnny. He said " I have a new game for us to play." what's it called the girl replied . It's called parking the car . Wanna try it he said. Sure said the little girl.

Well Johnny tells her how to play and they get off to a good start. A few minutes later all you can here is little Johnny screaming . His mom rushes into the room and says" what the hell is going on here? . The girl tries her best to explain. She said "You see we were playing park the car and johnny got his car all most all the way in. The back tires wouldnt fit so I cut them off!".


Yeah I know that there are grammar/spelling mistakes, I apologize for that but I'm too damn lazy too look for them and repair them.

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Now go and get drunk...or laid...or both...
