Chronicle I: Something about United Independents Party

Day 1,137, 03:19 Published in USA Canada by Elari Reili

It's PARTY TIMEZ .- Sexy chicks 🙂

rawrr 😘, so hot


Heh, I'm new memeber of UIP and I told for Election Team that I set up my own candicy. I thought that "Who the f*ck elect me on Congress". UIP Board - Athanaric, RacoonGoon, commandokiller, Jason McCravok etc believed that I deserve this opportunity, so I got elected because of UIP MVP voted for me.

So if you are want to start political career and if you are ambitious enough, choose UIP. I can't guarantee this for you, but you should try it!


We are like bros, what ever we do, always we stick together 'United' doesen't mean only that that we keep together. If we need to do bad decisions that people do not like. We are doing this together, because we are united!


Who don't like to be Independent? We like it that's why we call it 'United Independents Party'. Some people think that if you have an opinion, or you have your apartment and a job, paying the taxes. In UIP we don't push our opinion onto you and nobody is command to do things that you do not like. Because we are United Independents Party!


We have a lot of fun in party, we make jokes. Everyone likes humor, but know your limit with jokes!
We have very creative people in party who are working towards that members have good time. Any member can contribute to work for the party. Our Departments do very hard work, that the party would be successful. Structure and programs - we have many internal programs, games and events.

It is my opinion, what I think about this party!