Christmas May Show End of "Competitive" Wages

Day 399, 12:46 Published in USA Bulgaria by Jewitt

Many in eUSA are complaining about the high wages in the Raw Materials (RMs) market. Ignoring the fact of Congress to increase the income tax of all RMs to a flat 10%, there is still lots of be lost. Jewitt, in cooperation with Jewron Incorporated and its staff have looked into the market and have brought about results to present to RMs General Managers (GMs) describing their wages and how much of a strain they must be.

This is what they came up with:
[ALERT: If you want to skip to the last few paragraphs, go for it. This is for the business and finance-savvy and similarly interested individuals.]

Let’s assume the following:
4 Correct trivia. 0 Supershots. 70 Wellness. (Isn’t that optimistic?)
5 Employees (10 Employees😉 [15 Employees]**


lvl 0 -> 00.13 (00.17) [00.13]
lvl 1 -> 01.26 (01.6😎 [01.26]
lvl 2 -> 02.52 (03.36) [02.52]
lvl 3 -> 03.78 (05.04) [03.78]
lvl 4 -> 05.04 (06.72) [05.04]
lvl 5 -> 06.30 (09.40) [06.30]
lvl 6 -> 07.56 (10.0😎 [07.56]
lvl 7 -> 08.82 (11.76) [08.82]

With this information, we now have “ideal” figures for how productive one’s workers are. To save me the math, taking the following figures (depending on your Material) and multiplying them by the Productivity of each worker will give you their worth in the company.

These are based on rounded or mean amounts of current “competitive” US Market Offers as of 2:00 PM CST, 23 December, 2008:

Wood = 1.00 USD
Grain = 0.80 USD
Diamond = 1.50 USD
Iron = 1.80 USD
Oil = 0.90 USD

With this information, this is how much each employee is worth (given the determined “ideal” conditions and Max Productivity):

LEVEL -> Wood (Grain) [Diamond] {Iron} Oil
(All Figures in USD – Rounded to the Cent)

lvl 0 -> 00.17 (00.14) [00.26] {00.31} 00.15
lvl 1 -> 01.68 (01.34) [02.52] {03.02} 01.51
lvl 2 -> 03.36 (02.69) [05.04] {06.05} 03.02
lvl 3 -> 05.04 (04.03) [07.56] {09.07} 04.54
lvl 4 -> 06.72 (05.3😎 [10.08] {12.10} 06.05
lvl 5 -> 09.40 (07.52) [14.10] {16.92} 08.46
lvl 6 -> 10.08 (08.06) [15.12] {18.14} 09.07
lvl 7 -> 11.76 (09.41) [17.64] {21.17} 10.58

Any good businessman already knows how to do this, and some may even have a little graph similar to what I have for their sectors of the economy. So, what are you looking at?

This is how much it would cost to break even with that particular worker. Anymore, and you are creating a loss. This situation even gets worse as you go away from Max Productivity, and hire more workers or less. Of course, this is assuming you are selling at the “competitive” market value as described.

These are the current job offerings:
LEVEL -> Wood (Grain) [Diamond] {Iron} Oil
(All Figures in USD)

lvl 0 -> 01.00 (01.50) [01.55] {01.60} 01.50
lvl 1 -> 02.00 (03.10) [01.50] { N/A } 02.50
lvl 2 -> 06.00 (07.00) [05.00] {07.00} 07.00
lvl 3 -> 13.00 (12.60) [ N/A ] {16.00} 14.10
lvl 4 -> 23.00 (19.00) [ N/A ] {19.61} 16.00
lvl 5 -> 41.50 ( N/A ) [ N/A ] {41.00} 30.01
lvl 6 -> 51.00 ( N/A ) [ N/A ] {51.00} 35.01
lvl 7 -> 46.00 ( N/A ) [ N/A ] {50.00} 41.00

Obviously, people are losing a lot of money in the name of “competitive” wages. Double digits could be lost easily in the name of "competition" and "competitive" wages. These companies are, undoubtedly, signing the requests for their bankruptcy statements. However, this has been a growing trend for the past three weeks. Why have they not failed already?

The war is the only way I can them being stimulated. When people went to fight in war, iron and oil immediately had spikes in consumption and raised demand. They could take more "skimming" or "bare" profits because they were selling more. Even slightly, the demand for grain has even been affected due to the fact that food bombing may have given GMs a temporary sense of a good market; a false signal that they must be paying for now. To compliment this, Congress has enacted to raise the income tax on all RMs to 10%. The Jewitt Report shows no stance on this decision of our elected officials, and Jewitt declined an interview; cursing and throwing moderately-weighted objects at pictures of his congressman.

So, what does all this mumbo-jumbo come to mean? What is the point of this article? With the given information, it looks near impossible for the "competitive" wages to maintain themselves. Eventually, they will drop. And they will drop hard. We can only hope that GMs will allow it to stay above the price of Q1 food, but no one can tell for certain. One thing is clear, though: Christmas, and the eventual New Years celebrations, will be the last of a good portion of the companies if they do not change their business practices quickly.

That's about it...

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To Do List:

Go and yell at the GMs. Write what ever you want...hate mail or thanks for giving you a paycheck that will inevitably bring instability to the eUS Market.

Subscribe to this newspaper, and definitely vote this article up. Why? I would like you to. If you can't appreciate my given thanks, then go and read more campaign articles. I'm sure there's something non-mainstream out there somewhere! [.:!SARCASM!:.]

-Mike Wolverton, Correspondent

* This research project is focusing on the Raw Materials market, and thus, 10 is found as max productivity and is the standard for all “ideal” figures. The Quality figured was Q2, as majority are Q1-Q3.
**This was requested for some reason. Due to the productivity formula, from Max Productivity +X = -X (In other words, 5 less than Max Productivity will mean the same production as 5 over).