Christmas Manifesto of Damian Jacob Tamir Jager

Day 760, 07:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Damian Jacob Tamir Jager
Congressional Manifesto of Damian Jacob Tamir Jager:

My Experience

Who am I?

My name is Damian Jacob Tamir Jager, I have been a congressman on behalf of the South East for two terms now and now I am letting Rob Reid have a go on his own and am running in Brussels. In that term I tried to make a change for the eUK that would have benefited low-skill members of the eUK greatly, I failed, the eUK failed.

I am a member of the People’s Communist Party. I personally discount Stalinism, Maoism, etc as schools of Communism. I am a Council Communist. In the PCP I am the Inquiry Chairman, making sure that there is no rule breaking and foul play amongst the ranks of my comrades and the eUK.

People's Communist Party

I am very IRC active and speak fluent English and basic Russian, German and French.

I am very forum active also; I have past my 1000 post and am now nearing my 15 hundredth post

I run a commune, The Council Communist Brigade, or CCB, Commune. In this commune I ensure that the prices of Food and Weapons are kept to a low, to ensure that new players are not at a disadvantage.

The Council Communist Brigade

I was a Member of Parliament for the South East of England in August 2009 and November 2009 and have debated every day that I can on issues to ensure that you, the people of the eUK are kept feeling nice and have a very merry Christmas.

I am an Apprentice in the Ministries of Trade, Home Affairs (4th Term), and Finance (Treasury Analyst, 2nd term and Budget Analyst) and I am Chief Envoy to Alianza Latino Americana and British ambassador to Argentina. In the past I have been the British Ambassador to Turkey (2 Terms) and British Ambassador to South Africa (2 Terms).

I am Chairman and a Committee Member of the General Workers’ Union, the union is under construction and I have done some work with pushing it out into the path to success. The Union will soon have the membership application document up and I am still looking for one more Committee Member, if you are interested please contact us here with your experience on eRepublik.
Also, this is our forum group. And if you have any spare money please send it to us, it will help greatly.

And I am the Editor of the Marx Times, Luxembourg Times and the GWU Mail although I do not publicly express my views on a regular basis, something I would be happy to do if more people were subscribed to my paper.

The Marx Times
The Luxembourg Times
GWU Mail

What I hope to do with your vote
My field of most interest is Economics. I hope to help the economy of the eUK grow and help the people even more than the great communist brotherhood of the Internationale already expresses in the their Communist Parties all over the world.

They’re PEACE GC basically, so I do not hate them nor like them. I am neutral on the matter.


I am not pro-EDEN for the same reasons as I am not pro-Phoenix and not pro-USA. Although I like Norway, I don’t know why, I just do... strange.

Why vote for me?

I am an admirable, honourable and first-class candidate; I do everything in my power to help the people that need the help, to help my cause and to help keep the cogs of government running. I am a key part of government, I help wherever they will have me, and I help with economical, domestic and military affairs.

People of the Brussels I love you! I am not from Belgium, but I think your p cool! Together we can make this world better and we can ride the horse of solidarity all around the world, aiding wherever we can.

So Christmas Day, vote Damian Jacob Tamir Jager for South East of England congressman, please.

For Freedom, Tolerance and Justice!

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Also, you’re not on the forums you say!? Why not? Join today!

Not IRC active, I think you know what I need you to do

Spare change? Spare change anyone? Please donate to any one of my orgs and/or me or the government, it all goes to a good cause, trust me I watch what the guys who get it do to it, A WHOLE LOT OF GOOD!!!

As well, please vote and subscribe