Christmas Day Congress: A Final Note

Day 400, 14:05 Published in USA USA by John Wycliffe

Tomorrow is election day, so be sure to go out and vote. There have been a lot of words, many unkind, many perfectly reasonable, thrown around this holiday season, and it's time for the American people to voice their decision as to who will continue to lead this great nations. The decisions of war and peace and progress and regress are on the table: it is time to decide.

I urge you to review my platform for election: and I hope that I will earn your vote tomorrow. Best of luck is wished to all candidates. I have great respect for my opponents, especially One Eye, but I hope that our stances have been made clear and I also hope that I can win your vote tomorrow.

Remember to vote, and have a Merry Christmas!

Also, have a Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, etc.!