Chose your favorite pig-disgusting elitist & win 100 Gold

Day 3,554, 10:47 Published in USA USA by Citizen 8942290
Greetings eAmerica,

I've decided to bring more fun to this game by organizing this big giveaway of 100 gold. Sometimes even very serious issues can be resolved by laughter. (What follows now is the obligatory elite-bashing, so be prepared!) There's no better way to take down a corrupt system then to ridicule these power-hungry double-faced elitist pigs, leading members of the un-holy meta-cabal.
They are scum of the e-world. They lie, steal and cheat. For every dishonesty behavior they will present a "valid" explanation, for every mistake they will find some awful excuses and their dirty deeds are always backed by crazy made-up meta-legislation.
They are the seed of all evil in this game.
At this moment they know that their days are numbered, their filthy meta-forum is crushed and deserted, less and less people are believing their lies.

Let's get rid of them with loud laughter, let's even earn some nice sum of gold while doing it.

Here are the rules of this massive gold giveaway:

1. Chose your favorite pig-elitist among the following 16 carefully selected pig-disgusting representatives of the meta-elite.

2. Write a comment why you have chosen so, be humorous, be creative, give me your best shot!

3. Vote and endorse this article with how much you've got (you can even subscribe)

And here are the candidates (in almost alphabetical order):

The funniest comment will earn the crazy amount of 100 gold (10 gold payed every day for 10 consecutive days). Deadline to participate is eRepublik Day 3,560 - leave your comment and maybe you will be the lucky winner. (And now some more rude elite bashing) Take your time to chose among these 16 corrupt crooks, who are leading our community into virtual slavery, poisoning the hearts and minds of the people, annihilating their free spirit.
Let's put a nail of laughter into their coffin.
Let's get busy.

Yours truly
Phil Harmony

Chose your favorite pig-disgusting elitist:
Win 100 gold