Choose YOUR President Now! (UPDATED)

Day 895, 16:29 Published in South Africa South Africa by Al Kazar
As both mulderpf and Cyber Witch have decided not to let the PTO'ers push them around and disrupt a democratic presidential election this article is now moot.

Lets ALL follow the example set by our presidential candidates and do our bit to ensure that the PTO'ers fail. And how do we do that - by EVERYONE voting for the candidate of their choice and ensuring that we vote in such numbers that no PTO candidate can have a hope in hell of winning!

There seems to once again be a potential PTO (Political Take-Over) threat in the upcoming Presidential elections. Uwe Stuckenbrock of "Party Hard" is a PTO candidate and a potential threat to our country.

See PTO here we come... and South Africa, my Apologies for more information.

There are only two officially endorsed candidates - mulderpf of the Independent Alternative and Cyber Witch of the Freedom Alliance. mulderpf is considering withdrawing from the election so that there is not a split vote which could benefit the PTO candidate.

Do YOU think mulderpf should withdraw in the best interest of the country? or should Cyber Witch withdraw?

Make your voice heard by voting for your preferred candidate in the official eSouth Africa forum poll NOW!

Time is running out! Vote Now!
