Chinese Liberation

Day 453, 09:20 Published in China China by Zhou San

Zhengzhou, CHINA -

In a bold move yesterday, the People's Liberation Army secured the provinces of Anhui and Henan. Anonymous officials have claimed a resounding and complete success in the region.

CCTV Correspondent Liu Chao, embedded with the PLA in Zhengzhou, described the scenes as "horrifying". She has captured video evidence of Pakistani atrocities as they abandoned the city.

"Buildings were being leveled by explosive detonations, the timing is convenient as the buildings collapsed all at the same time"

Evidence so far has pointed to coordinated bombings by the Pakistani military as they abandoned the city. "Almost block by block....the buildings were razed as they retreated".

Despite this, the Chinese people are in the streets celebrating. "Who knows what is louder, the artillery in the background or the fireworks in the sky" says homemaker Zhou Yan, holding a sparkler while walking down Wu Yi Road with thousands of other celebrants singing glorious national songs that have not been heard in months.

Around the world, eyes are on this development in the Far East. Special meetings are being held at the UN tonight to discuss the possible ramifications of this historic event. Even now, sources have said that the Security Council is moments away from issuing a resolution condemning the Pakistani army for its atrocities.

Either way, as this journalist has noted, the PLA has not stopped to rest. We can not guess where they will end up, but the PLA is marching in various directions with the look of determination on their faces. The determination of freedom.