Chimichonga Barbosa

Day 306, 06:23 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

The Prometheus Press wishes to whole-heartedly congratulate Chimichonga Barbosa on his election to Mayor of Trenton.

As the press has been noted to have said, "I believe there are only two solid choices for Trenton, Chimichonga or IJL IV". Clearly the people have proven this editor right.

Former Mayoral Candidate, Ian John Locke IV, has announced his willingness to aid and assist the local administration of Chimichonga. Ian John Locke IV also wishes to congratulate Chimichonga and is expected to do so later on tonight at the party to be held at IJL IV's house for Chimichonga.

Once again congratulations Chimichonga, the Press has full-confidence you will have a memorable term even if it is cut short by V1.