Chillin' in Central Greece + Investors wanted

Day 646, 20:04 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Olsen

I've finally made the jump after packing up my quaint suburban home and hitting the good ol' American Links one last time, I've taken the flight to Greece to begin my temporary new life away from the USA Mainland. I say temporary, as I plan to return relatively soon to the states when the direction of the war is decided.

Hopefully by then my USA business venture is either on US soil again or is purchased by a Russian looking for a deal. In the meantime, I wish to open up a new business in Greece to take advantage of their high iron region and the influx of eUS exiles. The only kink in my plan is that I need some startup capital. I currently have 18g saved up, and, in the unlikely event that my American weapons company is sold, I'll have 36g. Unfortunately, this is not enough for my plans. This is why I am looking for investors willing to grant me a loan for my new business. Below is a listing of expenses:

Purchase company: 20g
Upgrade company to Q2: 20g
Startup costs: 5-10g

Grand Total: 45g - 50g

This being the case, I will need at least 27g (notice the stress on at least here). If you would be willing to invest, send me a PM and we can work out a deal and draw up a contract.

In future, I also plan to purchase an export license to the USA when it's back on its feet. So if you'd like to have an investment later, know that the opportunity will arrive soon enough.

Also, if you know anybody that you think might be willing to invest, PLEASE direct them to this article!!!


After some consideration, I have decided that the interest rate should be around 5% compounded weekly (ex. every Friday) until the loan is paid off. My earlier shout about 2% came late last night and I realized what a piddly amount that is.

Still interested? Send a PM.