Chile and Iran: A FRIENDSHIP!! Will It Last The Ages?

Day 724, 05:30 Published in Chile Chile by imanerd11

Chile, 9 days ago, signed a non-aggression pact with Iran, making our two nations, buddies in our mesmerizing and all too great world of ERepublik. Will our ally stay loyal, and will they help us in battle when needed? That is up to Iran's President and his advisors to decide. You are able to make guesses as well. This alliance will strengthen our country, when we are in war, but also may weaken us, if our ally, Iran is in war, and we are to help them. Lets just hope for the best with our new ally.

Chile, 9 days ago, signed a non-aggression pact with Iran, making our two nations, buddies in our mesmerizing and all too great world of ERepublik. Will our ally stay loyal, and will they help us in battle when needed? That is up to Iran's President and his advisors to decide. You are able to make guesses as well. This alliance will strengthen our country, when we are in war, but also may weaken us, if our ally, Iran is in war, and we are to help them. Lets just hope for the best with our new ally.