Chewie - The policies

Day 1,567, 08:07 Published in Ireland Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Obligatory theme music.

I may be late writing this article, however, due to my lovely internet connection I have not been able to do it until now.

Good day Ireland,

In this article I shall present to you my policies, goals and whatnot should I win the elections.

* I wish to further the cooperation between the members of the Commonwealth, France, Germany, Portugal and ourselves. This is an agreement which has been put in place for all the right reasons, and I believe bring us closer to our friends in the Commonwealth we can prosper even further.

* Stand loyal behind our allies. Bulgaria is one of our long-term allies, who find herself in need of our support. There is currently an issue between Bulgaria and Turkey in EDEN. As much as I respect Turkey I shall always prioritize Bulgaria before Turkey.

* Being open minded is in my opinion one of the greatest virtues in life. Therefore I shall stand open minded towards any negotiations with the British, as long as they are reasonable. lately our relations have been worse than ever, but should the Brits be able to reason with us I believe that an agreement can be met.

* Canada and the USA are our long time allies from across the pond. They have always stood up for us and I believe we can strengthen our relations even further this month.

* I believe that all new players deserve the right to learn how the game works properly. This is why I shall be opening up an educational program for all those who wish to learn.

* All of my Ministers shall be taking apprentices should anyone feel like being one. My Ministers shall then tutor their apprentices about the area they are taking care of.

* Funding governmental military units. Currently the MU's of the Irish Citizen Army, the Irish Army and the Labour's Army are following governmental orders and are considered to be governmental MU's, although the ICA and LA has independent leadership, causes etc. Funding these MU's to help them with their supplies etc would greatly improve our damage on the battlefield.

* Should a peace treaty with the UK not be reached we cannot risk going soft on them. We are to make sure that they keep from having a congress, and we are to ensure the safety of our borders.

* We will be following EDEN's priorities and help our allies in EDEN and Terra where they need it the most.

* The Ministry of Defence shall be releasing public orders to inform the public of where to fight.

That was all for now.
