Chewie for teh PP n all of that

Day 1,330, 14:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Good day,

I am ChewChewShoe, and I am with these words now officially declaring my candidature for party president of the Irish Independent Party, or, the IIP.

I will not write some long fancy article about all of this, as I am on my hol's at the moment, and I will not be back until the fifteenth, however, I will be brief.

I am running for party president with the blessings of many important men in this nation, but most important of all: I am running with the blessings of the current party president.

I am running for party president under the policies of change. I wish to change the party into something completely new, I want to give rebirth to the party and help it prosper.

Now you are all probably wondering what I am on about.
"Why is he just babbling on about nothing, why does he skip the part where he mention his ideas?"
Well... Fine, here you have it:

This is what I want.

I want a united Ireland. Where the Irish people are free. Where there is no oppression from a foreign power.
Here's what I will do to speed up the process in getting it should I be electe😛

*I will buy Irish goods and Irish good only, and I shall encourage all others to do so. This will benefit the Irish economy, making it stronger instead of wasting our money in foreign markets, and we can therefore still combat economically.

*I will never stop spreading the words of Irish idependence, and with a party this gets alot easier, especially with people backing the party..

*I will support (e)Irish people for the eIrish parliament. No others.

*I will organize and strike. I will combat the British oppressors in every single way, and many of you already know me as a major fighter for Ireland's cause.

*I will encourage our citizens, I will teach them what they need to know, and I will arm them with help of this party.

*I will never stop fighting until my goal is met.

Now what are my qualifications for this?

I'm a multiple times former party president for several parties all across the world. I have been everything from ambassador to vice president and back. I am greatly experienced politically and militarily, and I can keep us noving forward, and that I will. For more, check out my wiki.

We're not British, we're not Saxon, we're not English, we are Irish, and proud we are to be! So take your Union Jack, we want our country back. We want to see ol' Ireland free once more!

Oh and to my two opponents in this election:
y u all up mah arse maekin me write articles n shit? f*ck off already