Chess puzzles + rewards!

Day 2,514, 08:36 Published in Canada Egypt by PORTOFOLAS

Chess puzzles!


Each player can win only one reward. Reward for first puzzle is 1200 q5 food. Reward for second puzzle is 100 q7 tanks. You need to comment in order to win.
Be first to write correct solution, and the reward is yours. I will update this article with solutions after each puzzle is correctly solved. If you think you know solutions to both puzzles, please give your answer for only one puzzle. Each player is allowed to give only one answer, so think well before you write it.

How to answer? In algebraic notation (for those who dont know, scroll to last part of this article, for clarification).


FIRST ONE SOLVED!!! Winner is An Sluagh, congrats 😉.

1. White mates in 2 (White is on move).

Reward 1200 q5 food.

SECOND ONE SOLVED!!! Winner is Viktor Leskovar, congrats 😉.

2. White mates in 3 (White is on move).

Reward 100 q7 tanks.


White mates in 2 (White is on move).

1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh2+

1. (first turn) Q (queen) x (captures figurine) h7 (at h7 position) + (check) (White's move).

K (king) x (captures figurine) h7 (at h7 position) (Blacks's move).

2. (second turn) R (rook) h2 (goes to h2 position) + (check) (White's move).

For further reading:

Algebraic notation in chess.

EDIT: I didnt want to make too hard challenges, but it seems I have underestimated erepublik's players chess powers. I will do next article with harder challenges, because this was too fast.