Cheaters lose out

Day 793, 08:56 Published in Norway Norway by Sebulba
Last minute, prior to the Party President election, a stranger by the name anestezii signed up as a candidate for the Binary Party. This is something that can happen, because everyone is free to run for President. But the first indicator pointing to people like this is not a rightfull candidate, is that the Binary Party discusses presidential candidates before the elections. If there are two candidates running, there is probaly one official candidate, and one fraudulant one." height="99" width="130">
Aleksander Denstad With?
...or anestezii

Alarm bells

This time, there were three candidates; anestezii, Sebulba and Jon Henrik. Who Jon Henrik is, I have no idea. Most likelly, he is either a random guy, who wanted to try out as a PP, even though he has never been on mIRC or in the forums, or he simply clicked the button by accident. The thing is, the only person taking part in the Binary Partys politics, was Sebulba. Despite all of this, anestezii won the election with 67 votes, to Sebulbas 51, by tossing in a bunch of votes minutes before the deadline.

Alarm bells ringing

The majority of eNorwegian citizens smelled a rat, and investigations started straight away. anestezii was connected to a russian org called "Russia Company Organization", several of his "friends" had joined eRepublik on the same day, within 20. minutes. These friends were all deleted from the friend list, only keeping the proper Norwegians who had helped him as a baby. Within all of this, a global network of PTO's were unveiled, and articles all over the place appeared. Evidence was collected, and the admins were notified.

the Norwegian threat

Whilst waiting for a reply from the admins, the active members of the Binary Party continued their work, without a proper president. The general fear, was that anestezii would sign up a bunch of miltis in the congressional slots, and by this, manage to get all BP slots in congress. This would mean disaster for the party, as well as for Norway. From all angles, people worked hard to prevent this. Some peole dug up more evidence, dialoguing with people abroad, holding more information, whilst others worked on several backup plans, if anestezii wasn't suspended in time.

thanks where thaks are due

In the process of developing a backup plan, Binary Party contacted Demokratene's Kenneth Bloodaxe and Kapitalist Partiet's Juxtys for help. With no expectations of them helping out, they were presented with a plan, and from their grace, they both responded in a very positive manner. To help a fellow Norwegian party, and the Norwegian nation, they were a friend in need. The Binary Party want to thank both of them and their parties for offering their aid to us. We salute you!

the verdict

Yesterday evening, the word spread like wildfire. anestezii and his network had been permanently suspended for creating or administrating multiple citizen accounts. He was out of the game, and the Binary Party were back in the hands of a Norwegian. Martin Hval had come back, and because of XP (not the runner up in the election) he became the Party President. He didn't feel up for being president, and kindly stepped down, leaving the seat for Sebulba, who was originally ment to be President, before cheaters dicided to make life harder on all of us.

Keira Knightley is on our side, and she aims well

As a warning to everyone who is planning to cheat in the future; We will hunt you down, get you banned from this game, and portray you for cheaters of this game!

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