Chat rooms: fantastic, if underused

Day 919, 10:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

One of the first things I noticed on resurrecting was the new addition of chatrooms. The idea, in my opinion, is fantastic, especially with the fact that we can create our own. Instead of a mod-controlled general country chat, the room with the most favourites accepts this deep honour.

In fact, I can only pinpoint one key fault with chatrooms; they do not seem to have taken off with some sectors of the population. Parties use them as well as organisations, but general interest seems to be limited.

This surprises me. Back in the days of IRC, everyone who was anyone got online. Debates, shoutouts, general chats, party conferences and all sorts of communications were taken there, and it was a valuable tool for any players. I believe that the chat has the potential for all of this (and I'm sure it already happens, but I never see much activity even on the CCCP room) but needs investment. Not investment in that sense, but an investment in time by eRep's fine citizenry.

Many people still use the forums, and that's fine. Many prefer the easiness; the forums don't distract you from the game itself, and you answer whenever you want to answer. The same attitude can persist with the chat, with a simple brb for politeness.It's a good way of getting to know other players on a deeper level, especially if you're new. And even if you're not; I can send in-game messages to anyone, but there's a few players I never really got to know until chatting to them live. It makes everything more personal.