Charmader95 for ADTP PP!

Day 961, 10:25 Published in USA USA by Charmader95

Charmader95 for ADTP PP!

The American Defense and Trade Party (ADTP) is the result of a very recent merger between the US Trade and Military Alliance (TAMA) and the American Defense Party (ADP).

This month, I am running for Party President of the American Defense and Trade Party. Please vote for me as your first choice on the party primary survey, of which a link should soon be messaged to you.

Our party has a huge amount of untapped potential, and as Party President, I intend to fix the problems that are preventing us from growing. These three problems are Communication, Coordination, and Commitment, and while they are currently problems, they are also the solutions.


As Director of Outreach for the Party for the last two months, I know how important communication is. Our party has a number of ways to communicate. We have a party forum, a newspaper (The TAMA Times), and an IRC channel. However, the forum is rarely ever used by most (the other three candidates have a combined total of 5 posts, I have 33), the newspaper issues articles only once or twice a month, and the IRC channel keeps changing names (from #uslibs2 to #TAMA to #TAMA-USA to #ADTP). As PP, I will publish many more articles so everyone knows who we are endorsing, for whom and where to vote during the congressional elections, how to run for congress or get an endorsement, and other issues concerning our party. All useful information will also be posted on the forum, and I will try to keep our party’s IRC channel consistent, or at least tell everyone of the changes in the newspaper and forum.


We have a lot of great members in our party who are willing to put effort into the success of the ADTP. However, this is useless without proper coordination of these efforts. One great idea that needs proper coordination is a party militia. Getting many players, especially new ones, to join this militia could help these citizens be involved in the party during all times, which is important because the political module of eRepublik is (unfortunately) not nearly as popular as the military module. The members of the militia could also become congress members and be used as snipers or strategical voters.
One of the most important responsibilities as a PP is to coordinate the congressional elections. As PP, I will continue current PP mjdiv’s aggressive drive to find many snipers, but by using the proper channels of communication (see above), I believe we can get many more snipers and have many more members of our party vote in the best places. One thing that most people seem not to realize is that blockers can also be snipers (or at least vote in another state), and I intend to use this fact as well as possible. Basically, as PP I am going to make it very easy for every member to vote in the best place possible.


If I’m elected PP, I am going to be committed to our party (also, just for the record, I’m going to remain committed even if not elected.) I am not going to disappear after being elected (also known as ‘pulling a Claire’) but I am going to get articles written, congressmen elected, and our membership increased.
While my commitment to our party will be great, I am also going to focus on those who cannot or do not want to commit as much to the party, which is the majority of our party. Recruitment and retainment is an important part of any party’s agenda, and I personally will attempt to greatly increase the number of members in our party.

If you have any questions, please message me. Thanks for your vote on the party primary survey in advance!

Also, the log of the ADTP PP Debate can be found here. Thanks to lietk12 for running the debate and providing the log.

Thanks for reading. If you see any errors, please leave a comment or message me. Please Vote and Subscribe!