Charles Martel is back!

Day 753, 20:55 Published in Singapore Singapore by Charles Martel

By my estimates, a majority of my friends are dead. Most of my subscribers are probably dead. However, I've revived my citizen for another shot at the eWorld. Since May, I've only looked at eGobba's map and the eRepublik insider.

A few observations/questions:

Why did Hungary and Indonesia quit PEACE?

How much cooperation is there between Phoenix and Peace?

There has really been a gap between hospital destruction and construction, especially in the US. Even scattered Q3 and Q4 hospitals are useful.

Hungary and Romania is now the oldest war in the eWorld. I remember when Romania was effortlessly marching through Hungary at a leisurely pace, because they knew they could conquer the entire country at any time.

It seems that eRepublik goes through phases of empire-building and empire-destroying. For example, Romania built a massive empire that last for several months, until PEACE, led by Indonesia and Hungary, completely dismantled it. Hungary's and Indonesia's empire have slowly crumbled, and continue to do so.

I think the "bipolarity" of the Atlantis-Peace lent to the destruction of conquests, and the promotion of independence. With the rise of Peace, small nations gained their freedom on their own. I bet now that the large alliances have crumbled into fragments, we'll see empire-building begin again.

Countries that have large populations in RL that lagged behind their ePopulations, such as India, China, and Russia, are starting to have that reflected in their eCountries, and will continue to become more influential.

The UK and the US will have a long war where one side will make steady progress for a while until they're swept away by an opposing alliance.

Hungary and Romania will build European empires.

China will retake almost all of their regions, and will conquer some in Korea. Surprised at their power, they will enter the world stage as a superpower.

PEACE will be completely and totally disbanded.

Australia will get involved in South American affairs, and the two regional alliances AHA and SOL will come into conflict.

Have the admin said anything about new countries? In my humble opinion, based on Internet access, population, and the current geography of the eWorld, Vietnam, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Belarus would make the most sense.