Chaos and Shortages

Day 330, 05:07 Published in Sweden Sweden by Radsoc
We're right in the middle of an economic crisis caused by the transition to V1. Food prices have skyrocketed while there's a lack of high-Q food. This is harmful to the productivity of the country as it decreases wellness. We in the militant socialist party MSAP have always been proponents of state intervention, and I think that the liberal politicians should consider this if the crisis continues. Even if food production isn't profitable enough, at the moment, there's definitely need for it. There has to be food in order to get through this!
Currently there are 7 companies selling food products on the market. There are 465 food products for about 3000 citizens! 62% of these cost more than 2 SEK. While the inflation keeps increasing dramatically, the gold price has increased with about 2 SEK over the past 2 days. This is a major problem.
In the long run we need more peasants for the harvests and more workers for the food factories. If the market is unable to solve this problem, state intervention is the only choice we have to stabilize the economy.
Radsoc, Congressman (msap)