Changewillcome for a second term as Hawaii congressmen

Day 549, 16:45 Published in USA USA by changewillcome

I have decided to run once again for congressmen of Hawaii. Below is new and improved platform with new stances and HTML URL hyperlinks.

8 reasons to vote for me.

Experience: I have been AAP's Congressional Planning Committee Director for over three months now. My role was to keep track of all AAP's congressional candidates. I make use of the AAP forums and google docs to do my job. I also field successors for retiring AAP congressmen. I take a careful look at all 51 states and try to determine which states worth running a candidate in. I also have been known to pick a state for candidates. Here are some people that were elected with my help:

Equality 7-2521
Bill Brasky

I also have received an endorsement for my previous congressional bids:

Link 1.
Link 2.

Hospitals: Hawaii has a Q3 hospital, 206 citizens and only Japan borders it. It wouldn’t be cost effective to retrofit to Q4 or Q5 unless Japan attacks us.

Defense Systems: Hawaii has a Q3 defense system, which should be sufficient considering Japan is probably not going to attack us.

Taxes: I would like to see the income tax reduced. However the budget must be cut and if we are going to lower income tax lets do it across the board. If PANEC attempts to raise taxes again I will be voting no. Taxes are high enough already. Since us senators only get two proposals we must make them count. I will not use one of my proposals on taxes right away. Once I see tax hikes get shot down then I will know the time is right for a counter offer.

Donation to Orgs:
I support donating to the following orgs:
Fort Knox Federal Reserve
Florida Commerce Bank (If we are paying for a Q5 hospital)
Congressional Budget Office

Any other org I'll vote on a case to case basic. I don't like to keep my options limited. I may reconsider if a very large amount is being proposed to one org. We have all learned from the Franco incident, the number of people that get access to an org should be restricted. If people decide to squander the money they get from congress then we should reconsider what people should access that org or set up a new one. We also should avoid giving people money up front as there is not much recourse that can be done once the money switches hands.

MPPs: I'll pretty much vote YES on any MPP the only ones I'll vote NO on are enemy countries.

ATLANTIS: After the fall of ATLANTIS we should considering forming or joining a new alliance. I do not like how eusa just left ATLANTIS without having a new alliance lined up for them to join.
I must concur with scrabman we couldn't stay in ATLANTIS and do all the work, there must be an even balance of commitment. Hopefully a new alliance will be formed so we are not just stuck with joining PEACE or having no alliance at all.

Voting Recor😛 I will keep publishing my voting record on my newspaper articles for the public to how I voted.
I also will continue to inform the deputy speaker of the house of my voting record.

Link to voting records:
17th congress
16th congress

Thank you for reading,
Congressional Planning Committee Director
Co-PP of AAP
Congressmen of Hawaii