Changes at day 1532

Day 1,532, 09:48 Published in Ireland Croatia by Marinko Margarin

I'll try to show some changes that have happend today...

First change is to smallest one as you can see on picture below there is no more My land its now called My places

The second change is when you go at your places it looks like this now

my advice is that you should work as employee first
and don't worry you'll get your money for it 😛

now when you worked as employee you can see that its much simpler to work in all your companies. You can se paragraph named Work as manager

so you just click on any company that you want to work in, on the right side you'll see how much you will produce

and at the bottom of page you'll see how much health do you need to work in so if you pass more than 100 health don't worry you'll eat as much as you need to work, but if you don't have any restorable health left or you don't have any food left to eat you'll be asked to eat candy bar

and after you done all you think you need to do than you can press start produce and you'll see pop up with all what have you produced, and you can see all your stats there, plus there are shown national bonsuses.

another change is that you can hire max 4 persons in Q1-Q2-Q3-Q4-Q5 raw companies, but in Q1-Q2-Q3-Q4-Q5 food,wep company you can hire 10 persons to work for you.
Some prices of raw companies have been changed

for training grounds, it is same as you work as manager, but don't worry you can't hire anyone to train for you 😛

the third picture is your storage, nothing changed there so i don't feel i need to show you something 🙂 same for your health buildings...
Everyone who had some free land got money back from Plato.
Admins changed all taxes, it is now automatically is 10% on everything.

another news is whenever you scroll down your avatar+health+accounts+messages+alerts will go down with you 🙂

And the last changed is that you can't see someone's land

Hope so I helped you on some way 🙂