Change To The Work System

Day 360, 14:00 Published in USA USA by NeilP99

One of the new elements we have seen in V1 is the introduction of trivia games. These games are played whenever a citizen works or trains for the army. They impact how productive a worker is for their company and how much strength is gained from training. I think the work trivia game needs to be change.

Right now the only thing that playing the trivia game and getting the answers right accomplishes is to increase the amount of goods produced for the company. This system, while more fun then the old work system in beta, is cheating the worker. When a worker scores highly on their trivia game the company benefits. However, this isn't translated into a benefit for the worker. They see no increase in their salary for doing well. Therefore, there is no incentive to actually play the game. As far as the worker's own personal interests are concerned, it makes no difference whether you play the game or not. I think that should change.

I think that the admins should add an element to the worker game. Make it more like the army training game. I think that when you score well on the game not only should the company get more production from your effort, but you should also see a larger increase in your skill. Just like in the army training game, you would start with a base increase for your day at work, and then that base would be multiplied by whatever percentage you earn through answering questions correctly. Setting up the work system like this would ensure that both workers and employers had an interest in getting the questions right since they would both benefit. It would also make it easier for workers to progress on to the higher paying jobs, which would let companies charge more for lower quality goods since people would be earning more more quickly. A change like this would not only make the game more fair, but over time could help reinvigorate economies. It's the right thing to do and I hope that the admins will do it. Let me know what you think, any particularly inspired comments will get a gift from me.