Change of Heart

Day 1,173, 10:27 Published in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia by Rule Britannia Headquarters

I decided to abandon the path of British imperialism.

Well, it didn't work. eUK of today (yesterday was no better) has no dreadnoughts, no Francis Drake, no "white man burden" to carry, no vision. Entrenched in its unsuccessful "programs" and too slow to react to changes, it remains a place of interesting (yet totally unproductive) debates, hasn't entirely lost its humor, but stagnation has become way too obvious.

Knocking at the door of eSaudi Arabia, waiting for a citizenship that may never come, I'm preparing nevertheless for the future, here, where something new is about to begin. Hopefully, the day isn't far when it will be recognised as the New World of the New World.

Swift Revenge - Riyadh - day 1173 of the New World
owner of 1 org, 1 company, 2 newspapers, resident miner in eSaudi Arabia