Chance Harrison in Northern "free" Ireland

Day 1,280, 13:17 Published in Ireland Canada by Thomas Arashikage

To my fellow countrymen, friends, allies and the like.

Let me start off by introducing myself. I am Chance Harrison. Former eUS citizen from my eBirth on Day 939 to Day 1,263. I am a former Federalist and USWP member in the eUnited States Government. I also briefly served in EZ CO and TST6 Team 2.

On Day 1,264 I embarked on a different journey.


I had contemplated moving to eIreland for quiet some time as I'm half Irish in RL. My life in the eUS was going nowhere fast and although I'm an American I felt as if I didn't belong. I chose to request citizenship in eIreland for a change of environment and for less elitism.

Since my arrival this great nation has been entrenched in a seemingly endless battle with the UK. I've done my best in my 17 days to do what I could to help eIreland rid itself of the tyranny of one lone person.


Who knew narwhals were so dangerous? He cast his shadow down upon us with no sign of ever letting up. The battles seemed endless, the carnage was massive, the gain was substantial.

We all knew if we stood united and with the help of our allies both abroad such of the likes of the TCO (The Crimson Order) and our new found countrymen from Greece, the Libertad we could thwart this nemesis and have what eIreland has always yearned for. A free and united nation. 26+6=1 is no longer a dream. We are now whole!

As many of you like our own CP Marcus Suridius, IBoy1967 and the many great representatives from the TCO and Libertad (Too many to count) I played a huge part in this success and would like to continue to do so.

Hence forth, I am announcing my candidacy and would like to ask for your vote in the election of the 8th Dáil of Éireann and represent newly reaquired Northern Ireland.

My list of political accomplishments are nil as I haven't pursued in a fashionable manner until now. I do however have the current backing of CP Marcus "Miraculous" Suridius.

Currently I am a member of the IA (Irish Army), political party (Sons of Éireann) and serve as Joint Minister of Defence for eIreland and a Supply officer for the IA.

I am a tireless worker and will make all decisions with firm belief that I am doing what is right for the nation.

This is what freedom looks like....

Hail Ireland!
Hail Eden!
Hail TCO!
Hail Libertad!

Signed TD hopeful,

A pint for everyone if I win!

P.S. Thank you to Danilo Garcia for allowing me into this great nation.