Challenges - Build more Hospitals

Day 281, 22:20 Published in USA USA by MikeGroovy

The world is still young. There is so much to do with so little time.

I'd like to hear some of the plans and ambitions of eUSA citizens.

I have noticed a lack of hospitals in a few regions including Oklahoma City.

Hospitals of course benefit lots of people in a region. OKC has almost 30 citizens if we each donated a small sum of gold and USD to a Mutual Hospital Fund we could get one built and have an incentive for more citizens to move here. We are very protected against outbreaks of war. We need to do our part to ensure that eUSA has stable core regions to assist with the colonial expansion and national defense.

I don't think we are leveraging our government either. They take our taxes for national security. We need to put forth more of an effort to ensure that our interests are being looked into.