CFN: Missing lear jet and its mystical flights PART 2 (final)

Day 1,920, 01:40 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by nutty fox

I suddenly got this wild idea for a country change since Netherlands may or may not loose the only region they have. If lost that would mean no one gets into the country as new citizen so sended my application that was accepted.
So again took off with the MoFA learjet and flew over to Netherlands. No drama in this flight but no story if would have ended there.

Had my containers (2 of them) with personal stuff ass armour, weapons, camo clothing, food and other equipment packed in one. In the other was counter spy equipment for the embassy added with communications gear and maps, documents and other diplomatic material.

Just when got all my gear to the embassy and the other container to a disclosed location I got a message I need to move to China?!?! This was a complete surprise since was eager to see some attraction but what can you do…
Plane was up in the air again and this time with a valid flight plan so no need for plotting my way in or out of the countries. My destination was a commune and thought to my horror I will end up in a sweat shop or rise farm doing long hours hard labour.

This was the time when I mentioned I did my second mistake of telling about the plane use. Cendorr ofcourse harassed me and wanted to use the plain to pick up some chicks abroad. So by total mistake I told the plain is in China at the moment and he can absolutely not use it for hes own purposes.

The plane landed in Qinghai military air field where transportation awaited me.

Me and my gear was loaded into the truck.

Qinghai province is a broad nature reserve, surrounded by snow covered mountains, icy peaks and the Gobi desert so a perfect location for a commune to produce raw materials and final products of various uses.

The truck lingered on small roads in the middle of no where and I was really tired after the long journey and with mixed feelings what would awate me when reaching the final destination. After several hours I finally arrived at my final destination at the commune. Was greeted by the commune official and showed my place work place and told my things would be taken cared off. Yes no rest all work from the start, these guys ment business from the start. Found my self in a large space that was carved into the mountains not to by found by spy satellites or enemy infiltrators on the ground. Had a person showing me what to assemble and how fast supposed to be doing these items. Tried to ask him what about lunch brakes? He laughed and told me that they would show me later on how to get food out here.
Not gonna go into more details about events in the commune since that’s highly classified sorry!

Since have diplomatic duties in the Netherlands as well can hardly sleep since flying back and forth between these 2 countries (for now luckily only two).

The plane has been returned back to Finland to its owners since I needed to lease my own plane for further use and upgrade in size since have all sorts of material with me all the time.

This plane is code named Fox Hunter Zero One and flies under diplomatic immunity status.

This story would have contained much more detailed story line but as you well understand cant go into details and such. Hope you enjoyed it and feel free to comment as always.