CEP Presidential Elections

Day 1,167, 15:59 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz

This is a message from the CEP. The CEP have been hard at work organising our campaign this term and through much discussion it has been decided that we will be supporting Al Kazar (SDP) to be president this term. He will be joined in his campaign by Shiloh DeGreat, from our party, as Vice President, and together our parties are pledging to work together for the better of our country. Should we be elected, we can set about establishing a fairer society within our great nation. This game is for all who plays it and so everyone should have there chance to express their voice. Congress will become more influential to deciding the direction of our country as they are elected by the people. The CEP and SDP will form an alliance together, working together on polices in Congress as it should be. We want to lead the way in communication between parties and defining what they stand for. Please look our for Al Kazar’s manifesto and the policies we will be working on this term.

If you would like to join us you are more than welcome to do so. Just send me a PM to find out more about us or talk to some of our other members. We look forward to welcoming you to our ranks.

Thank you,
Together in Affinity,
CEP Party President