Central Bank of Latvia has been unbanned. Thank you everyone! =)

Day 562, 11:15 Published in Latvia Latvia by red-fox
Central Bank of Latvia has been just unbanned! Thank you, everyone!

Final update :
Han Solo is still banned. I am unaware - why or for what. Maybe there will be some information about it later. Personally, I do not really care. We dealt with our problem and survived.

Our money are safe, we got quite a bit of LVL not long ago and more will arrive tomorrow. Some time soon we will finally get Hospital and will begin playing more or less effectively.

This article did not get to International news. Only 200 votes. I already deleted all "world" articles, since editing them is simply too much work and keeping them would be unfair for fast reaction of admins.

And yes, as someone mentioned in comments - "a nice panic reaction". It was quite a panic. We collected money from everywhere. Getting them third time (first was during TO), would be almost impossible. And it was nice - we managed to get quite a lot support in less than an hour. It is nice to know there are that much people who helped us.
