Cement Your Legacy - Purchase Your Very Own Biography! - Updated

Day 474, 13:23 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn
Updated - Looks like the biography is going to be on David Eastcorner, instead. Keep a look out for it!

Sitting on piles of gold? Own several successful companies? Are you the most feared soldier in the land? What’s left to do?

Ascend to legendary status with your very own biography! This is your chance to get the award winning Boomer Bugle to produce and distribute a manifesto of your eWorldly enterprises! Do you want the world to know about the time you won the presidential election by 2 votes, or the time you started a resistance war, rallied support for the region and ultimately liberated it? Well here’s your chance! Here is a snippet of a sample biography.

It was just weeks after the 400th day of the New World and Derakor, now a vibrant member of eRepublikan society, endeavored to make some noise in East Asia. Along with two acquaintances, Nolan Pitler and King B., he formed the Chinese Liberation Front. Memoirs from Derakor’s journey over the pacific show that the impetus of the CLF was ostensibly to emerge its creators as leading advocates of rightful sovereignty on the global stage:

“Our motivation was the want to show the world our abilities to be great leaders, and also to re-introduce China to the eWorld as a separate nation outside of Pakistan. We figured China needed to have its identity again, even if we weren't Chinese ourselves.”

Ultimately, their attempts to liberate China from ePakistani bondage were futile: they were undermanned and lacked the funds necessary to accomplish their task. The overwhelming power Dio Brando and his ePakistani army was too large an obstacle for these three Canadians. Ultimately, the failure led to the breakup of the CLF. However, Derakor took more away from the venture than just some extra military experience…..

This is just a small section of what your biography would entail! Keep in mind that this is just a sample I threw together, and that your biography would be as detailed as you want. Here’s how it works:

Content: You tell me everything interesting that has happened in your eLife. I take the most exciting stuff and expand on it. Your biography can be as long or as short as you want (but longer ones will be published in multiple installments, and will cost more).

Memoirs/Interview: You can choose to have personal notes in your biography in the form of either memoirs (as though I’m reading your memoirs or letters and putting them in the biography) or in the form of interview questions (I’ll interview you throughout the biography). The sample I gave with Derakor was an example of memoir style.

Publishing: The biography will first be published part by part by the award-winning Boomer Bugle in up to 3 countries. The Boomer Bugle reserves the right to be the first publisher of the biography installments, though you can choose to publish the biography with your paper first for a 0.5 gold fee. Either way, once the BB has published the article(s), you are free to do with the biography as you wish (put on your wiki, link to it on the forums, republish with your own paper, etc…)

Quality Control: You will be involved in the writing process every step of the way! I will consistently hound you with new questions and details about your history to make the biography as detailed and interesting as possible. I won’t publish the biography until you are happy with it!

Payment: Each installment of your biography will be 500-800 words long. A one installment biography will cost 5 gold, 2 installment will be 8 gold, 3 installment 10 gold. If demand is high these prices may rise (but I will NEVER raise the price after we have agreed on one and I’ve started writing), or if demand is low I will lower them.

Contact: Send me a message here, and we'll get talking about documenting your exciting history!

Fortify your position as an eRepublikan legend, and purchase your very own one of a kind biography from a prolific Canadian writer!

*Note: BB Biographies can only be written in English.