Ce bine merge bancu asta.../ Good joke for Hungary with love:)

Day 543, 12:40 Published in Romania Romania by arhangel6

Un roman si un ungur se duc la pescuit, dupa ceva vreme unul prinde pestisorul auriu.
− Lasati-ma inapoi si va indeplinesc la fiecare cate o dorinta.
Primul incepe ungurul:
− Ba Pestisorule, cunosti Marele Zid Chinezesc?
− Da...
− Ia-l si inconjoara Ungaria cu el sa nu mai calce nici un roman pe acolo.
Ia pestisorul zidul si imediat inconjoara toata Ungaria.
Vine randul romanului sa-i ceara ceva:
− Pestisorule, Marele Zid Chinezesc are ferestre?
− Nu.
− Are usi?
− Nu.
− Atunci umple-l cu apa!


One romanian and a hungarian person were fishing, and after some time they catch the golen fish.
The golden fish told them that if they release him, he will grant each one wish.
First, the hungarian:
-Fish, do you know the Grand Chinesse Wall?
-Take it, and round Hungary so none romanian will ever step in Hungary!
The golden fish does as he is told.
Next is the romanian:
-So...fish, this Grand Wall, has windows?
-Has doors?
-Then fill it with water!!!