Day 1,459, 16:44 Published in India India by persian princess 2011

Dear fellow eindian citizens and fellow comrades of the inci,Nationally and Internationally the purpose of this article is to answer a few questions many have asked and to plan our next steps which will be for the congress elections because we only have six days left,i think it is better we plan ahead earlier rather than later being a new arm of the Internationally well known and well organised cCc INCI cCc,i urge all members to pm me and lets have a meeting asap.

Many people have been messaging me and asking me why inci,why i chose to give up my own party one that i created the bnp to establish inci in india?,well my answer is quite simple,i believe inci is very well organised to be quite frank there is not another group as dedicated as the inci anywhere to be found on erepublik,if you want to move forward then the only way i see it is join the inci and become a part of the family.And the one message i got from all the people already a part of the inci family was:

So it was the choice of being a self controlling freak or join a international family the inci,I chose the latter because to me what means most in erepublik is that it is a social game, a game where you can find many many friends but where inci goes one step further is that when you join the family you are loved forever and in only a few days i have felt the love from every single member of inci that i know,and i know my fellow eindian citizens can also join this family,and that is why i chose to start the inci arm in india.

One thing i want to make quite clear is i understand there has been some people who have felt threatend by the arrival of inci in india,someone asked me what if the inci just use you and after try to do a PTO of our beautiful nation,and just using you as the face of inci in india so just to get in,to be honest i was quite shocked that this person asked me this,First of all if i even for a second thought that inci had this kind of hidden agenda i would have never joined the inci let alone start inci india.and secondly if this was the agenda of inci,then inci would not need me they could do it without me being a large group as inci is.

I can assure you and vouch with my whole reputation this is not the policy of inci,what gain would an international group well known as inci have by taking over a nation, we are merly here to show that inci want only the best for everyone and shows love to everyone who loves the inci ,as stated earlier the inci is one big happy family and we want you to be a part of that family.

You dont have to look far to see proof that every nation that has welcomed inci,has gained tremendously and inci has contributed time and time again to those respectful nations that have welcomed inci,if inci had any hidden agenda then it would be well known that these countries would have tried everything to block inci from progressing in those respectful countries.

Secondly any group with such a hidden agenda could never be as big as what inci is today,and inci is only big because it contributes and works with the people that welcome it,and all credit goes to the people that make inci what it is today the members and to those nations that welcome inci with open i urge you fellow eindian citizens to see inci as it really is and not to stereo type,hopefully soon with inci being established in india our people will finaly see that inci is about the people and progressing together.

thank you once again for your time and for reading.

Hail INCI!!!!.....\m/
Hail INCI!!!!.....\m/
Hail INCI!!!.....\m/
Hail INCI!!!!.....\m/
INCI!!!!.... FOREVER !!!!