Causes of death in eRepublik

Day 799, 02:59 Published in Romania Romania by Andrew McWilliams

5. The headless chicken

Yanks may have the Legend of Sleepy Hallow and its Headless Hessian wielding a small axe, craving for a head, but here in eRepublik, we have Headless Donald Duck crying out "I want a GOOD SERVER!"

4. The 501st (Clone) Legion

Also known as "Indo's Middle Finger" to the veterans. Usually, it comes paired up with a link sending to this guy because that's where the finger is directed at. This highly reputed, rigorously disciplined and well q5-armed force has been with us ever since the v1. Though its clones have been banned in many wars, the unit has continued to exist, always changing its staging ground (Indonesia, Hungary, Serbia, Russia and so on). It just goes to show that the eRepublik can NEVER truly strike back.

3. Wall of f***ing text

Though the Admins have announced we will be (re)upgraded to a player vs player fighting module, bricks are determined to make their stand and not go down without causing some eyes to bleed. I'm 200% biased when I give you one such example - the name of the article is "Story of my e-life, chapter 23" or "101 different ways of writing bulls**t".

2. Narcissism

The Admin said "Come forth and ye shall receive a Media Mogul medal". But the player came fifth and won self-esteem. This game is the sole wonder of the world when it comes to what a person can achieve. Ruling a country, fighting the enemy, contributing to economic welfare, all pale in comparison to building up your confidence that you are God's gift to the world. I mean, where else can you brag that you have done oh, so much for oh, so many if not in eRepublik? I tell you, if this game bites the big one, there will be quite a handful of people that will have nothing but a shallow life. No gifts to offer, no articles to write, no medals to polish, no reason to procrastinate...

1. Chuck Norris

'Nuff said!

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