Case for the Addition of the Basque Country to the New World

Day 1,293, 03:59 Published in Philippines Norway by Sigurd Aasen
Since adding non-sovereign states seems to be the flavour of the day, I thought I would write an article detailing the case for the addition of the Basque country to the New World.

Why Should the Basque Country Be Its OWN Entity

Because it would provide players new opportunities, allow Basques/eBasques the opportunity to run their nation the way they want it, also bring in new resources and players, and lastly it would give them the recognition they deserve.

The Basque Country is a separate nation and cultural group than the rest of the Spanish people. They have their own separate language, one of the oldest in the world and unrelated to any other, and their own unique cultural identity. The Basque Country should become its own eCountry if it so desires!

The Basque Country should form its own alliances, its own wars, its own government and its own DESTINY...

The Basque Country is not Spain, the Basque Country is the Basque Country. They have their own identity, forced into the label of "Spain". They are not Spanish, not Catalonian, they are Basque men and women!

Admins, we ask that you recognise the Basque Country as an independent nation. We ask that you respect them and their country by recognising them as separate from "Spain". They are Basque, not Aragonian or Catalonian. Please do not integrate them against their will, if they want to form an alliance with the "nation" of Spain, then they can, but give them that choice.

Thank you for reading...

P.s. This is article is simply for the lulz. I donnot condone the addition of non-independent nations to the eWorld, unless of course they become independent in the future.