Carpal Tunnel Weekly - Issue 3

Day 1,644, 15:26 Published in USA USA by e5anderm

CTW - I3 - May 21st, 2012

First news, a quick change in the publication dates of this paper, since I have learned a lot in the first 3 weeks I have been publishing things. For starters eRep is kind of dead on the weekends so I stopped publishing on Sundays and have switched to Monday Afternoons as the new weekly publication time.

Second, before we get to the General News is an update on the EZC War Games (which many people are looking forward to) which have been delayed a bit because of the new MU EZCP being released as well as the new EZC/EZCP uniforms (you all look so sexy now!!). But everything is ready and we are set to start this Wednesday!! More info will be published tomorrow with all the details but a short preview: We have two different competitions going on (all of the regiments and an individual competition) with two different parts (first part a 3 day kill comp, second part a head to head knockout tournament based off of ranks from the first part) with lots of Prizes to be given out as well as Medals that will be awarded to wear on your uniform should you or your regiment win.

The Admins came out with new missions recently which have been fairly easy for most people to complete, I only have one left (which should take me another day or two to finish) but I have seen a lot of people already done with all the new missions even though there is still over 4 days left to complete them. I will never complain about easy missions, but some of these rewards were very nice when little or no effort was required at all.

The U.S. has lost the couple regions we had in Denmark and England but we are still holding strong with the regions we have in France and Spain. Though some of our allies in Europe have been really struggling as ONE continues their offensive push through Europe and towards the regions they could use to jump to the US.

Poland continues to push Germany further and further and the Germans are now down to just two regions. Hungary has really started to invade France lately and the French have even lost their regions they held in England. France is now down to basically a strip of land sort of parallel to the remaining American regions in Europe. And our once main enemy, Spain, have continued to be fairly strong and push into South America, it was only a couple months ago that Spain was wiped from the map.

Serbia continues to grow into the Italian boot and are close to being in a position to strike the several remaining French and American territories in Europe. China and The Republic of China (Taiwan) continue to be very strong in the Asian region while Colombia has pushed way up into Mexico and now share a border with the Americans. /me waves to the Colombians

This week I want to point the spotlight on Currahee, created by Chicago Machine. Although this paper has been around for less than three weeks Chicago Machine has produced several thoughtful articles full of good information. Check it out if you get a chance.

The markets have continued their downward trend in the past week, but there was a little speed bump from the new missions released recently. One of the missions which many people had already completed the requirements (so they didn’t have to do anything to finish it) gave 5 gold which led to an influx of gold in the game temporarily dropping the price of gold down from up over 2010 USD to around 1980 USD, but this has since gone back towards the norm lately of hovering just over 2k for a transfer rate.

The price of Raw Materials has finally dropped to under a dime for both Food Raws and Weapon Raws, which makes it really hard to make some money in this game. Hopefully the trend reverses or evens out before we get below 5 cents per raw.

Initially, everyone had just 6 new missions, but after completing a total damage mission (which was different for everyone based on their level) a final 7th mission opened up requiring people to make 200 kills with weapons. Now a lot of people including myself always fight with weapons (I almost always fight with Q6 tanks, thank you EZC!) but there are a lot of people in the game that only fight with their fists. These fist fighters were going to need to buy some weapons if they wanted to finish this last mission, so the price of Q1 and Q2 weapons went up for a bit because of this sudden mass of buying weapons to complete a mission, though after a while the prices have settled back down towards normal.

This week we have a short interview with EZC chat room hermit crab Havocpwn, who is there every time I am there (I am not sure he ever leaves) but is a veteran member who is always willing to help younger inexperienced players with anything he can.

Why are you always in the EZC chat room on irc?
(HP)I'm always in the EZC room because, why the hell not!

Do you enjoy giving advice to and helping out the younger players of EZC?
(HP)I do enjoy helping out newer players, it's so rewarding

What is with the bright red uniform border? Is there a history to it?
(HP)Red is just something that makes me unique, plus I can’t see my own blood if I wear red

A long time back you were a congressman of the great state of Wyoming, how was that experience?
(HP)I never really enjoyed Congress, at the time we really never did anything besides vote to gain XP

Any urge to ever run for congress again? Or perhaps run for another office?
(HP)Not really into the political scene, but you never know

Tomorrow will be your second birthday, any parties or celebrations planned?
(HP)I might give away some stuff for people who wish me a happy birthday

Can we learn a little bit about the RL Havocpwn, what are you like?
(HP)I listen to Rock generally
Not really big into sports but I have played football in the past and play golf right now
I'm from Texas, many people who know my in real life don't believe I'm a Texan though

Closing Comment
(HP)"Once we get into combat, the only people you can trust are yourself and the fella next to you."

Stupid State Laws - Around the country there are a whole bunch of absolutely ridiculous laws on the books, here are a couple fun examples;
- In Arizona Donkeys are not allowed to sleep in bathtubs . . .
- In Indiana it is illegal for liquor stores to sell milk . . .
- In Iowa men with Mustaches are not allowed to kiss women in public . . .
- In Hawaii you are only allowed to have one alcoholic beverage in front of you at a time . . .
- In Florida it is illegal to have sexual relations with a porcupine . . .
- In Oregon you cannot eat Ice Cream on Sundays . . .
- In New York you can be fined (up to $25) just for flirting . . .
- In Texas criminals are required to give their victims a 24 hour notice (either verbally or in writing) as well as an explanation of the crime they are planning to commit . . .
- and in my home state of Wisconsin you may not kiss on a train . . .

To find out what stupid laws your state or city has written on their books, check out

and one last comment from Havocpwn on the Texas law requiring criminals to give their victims a 24 heads up before commiting a crime
(HP) I’ve heard that one, no one follows it, well, the stupid ones do

This time we truly have a cool cat! One of the few cats that actually enjoy water, Bengal Tigers love to swim and play around in pools of water as a way to cool off from the hot climate they live in.

| The Pragmatist | Currahee |

Every week I will be doing a giveaway to one of my subscribers and for this week the winner is DBnzt who wins 1000 USD.

Each week I will be doing this, prizes will change from week to week depending on what I have in my storage (may be weapons, food, gold, usd or a combination), and all you have to do to win is be a subscriber! Unfortunately the game does not allow us to see who our subscribers are so I am doing my best to make a list of subscribers. If you do subscribe just say something in the comments below, if you have said something about subscribing to my paper in the past then you are on the list. But if you clicked subscribe and did not say anything there is no way for me to know, so feel free to say something below. If you are not sure whether or not you are on the list you can PM me and I can let you know.