Carpal Tunnel Weekly - Issue 15

Day 1,735, 17:06 Published in USA USA by e5anderm

CTW - I15 - August 20, 2012

The admins added Air Strikes to the game, it was an attempt to make something new and try and help with the overproduction of food (which lowers prices) and it failed pretty miserably.

We had a very exciting and competitive election for the RLC Party President, and we are still waiting to hear what Ajay will do next.

Some new missions were introduced into the game recently, and I am a bit late so you probably already know what is required but the rewards are pretty good so try and complete them if you can.

I added a new section to my articles titled Trivia Time, in which questions will be asked or pictures will be given where you have to answer something. The winner gets a prize!

After a short article last week due to RL I have the time to create a full length article for your enjoyment, unfortunately next Monday I will be driving a big budget rental truck across some mountains (helping someone move), so I won’t be able to write anything next week, sorry.

In the past week or so things have actually gotten a little bit exciting on the map. Bulgaria moved into South America and has been beating up Argentina, Indonesia started struggling and Australia regained its form, America has some new territories, oh and Europe is still a mess.

Starting in Europe and things have actually calmed down a bit compared to the usual European standards. Poland continues to dominate while Germany and France continue to struggle. Portugal and Spain have come to an agreement and the two countries aren’t really fighting anymore. Finland and Estonia continue their war while Slovenia and Croatia have started up a new war. FYROM and Hungary have both had pretty decent success lately and have grown a bit.

The real action is over towards Bulgarian/Turkey regions where Serbia has decided to take on the Turkish and have had some success while Bulgaria appears to have given up on fighting in Europe and made an Air Strike into Argentina and gathered a couple regions.

Moving into South America and Bulgaria is now up to 6 South American regions, though their capital is still in Europe, but it appears they have packed up their bags and might move their country to South America. This has also helped Chile who have been somewhat successful against their occupiers in Argentina since Argentina is busy with Bulgaria. Brazil is still strong and Spain continues to control half of Venezuela. Moving up into North America and well, things haven’t really changed. Mexico now has two regions which they won from resistance wars with the US and Canada and the US are at peace and nothing happened there.

However, both Canada and the US wanted to move into Asia with Canada wanting to trade some territories around with the US so they get a hold of Alaska to use to attack Japan. The US just used their vast western Coast line and found an easy way to attack Indonesia. Canada never got what it wanted, but it didn’t really matter much because Taiwan decided to invade Japan and have conquered all of the Japanese territories. The US struggled early on with Indonesia but after a couple days things have gone a lot better as they have conquered four Indonesian territories in a row. With the Indonesians occupied with America the Australians have had a lot of recent success in their war with Indonesia.

Moving north a bit and China continues to control all of North Korea while Taiwan controls most of South Korea while also currently controlling all of Japan. India and Thailand seemed to have broken their peace agreement and started up hostilities again. Moving towards the Mideast and Pakistan no longer exists as Iran has taken over control of the only region they had, while China controls their other regions. In the Mideast Greece and Israel continue to control combined with a strong Iran, however Cyprus’s control seems to be slipping as the once large nation is down to just three territories.

Since last time we had the PP elections, the most boring elections in the game as most parties have primaries and decide who the party should vote for before the actual election. However, this time there was some fun in the RLC party. The game mechanics are currently set up on a first come first serve basis for signing up to run for Party President, and on election day they are displayed that way until someone actually votes. Previously on election day they used to show who had the most votes at the top of the list, and this has caused some problems for political parties. A solution was to have a bunch of leaders sign up to run a month in advance so that potential PTOers/ATOers don’t get to the top of the list first.

In the RLC, the first candidate to sign up was Ronald Gipper Reagan, one of the most hated people in the game who has almost a religious following and was expected to get a lot of votes. The second was Gnilraps who was the ATO candidate (or PTO depending on which side you are on) supported by a bunch of outsiders. During the early hours of voting RGR jumped out to a very early lead due to the fact that a lot of his following are RL Europeans who vote earlier than Americans. But during the day Gnilraps ended up closing the gap and jumped out to a small lead towards the end of the day. At the end of the day Gnilraps was the PP winning one of the most highly contested PP elections ever.

He promptly changed the name and has started to attempt to turn the new WTP party into more of an American party instead of a party full of Serbians and Hungarians. Last month the RLC had a lot of success with a lot of foreigners running for congress, this month it appears those foreigners don’t really have a place to run. What is expected to happen, and what we need a lot of Americans to help out with, is that the foreign PTOers will be jumping around from party to party trying to find any empty state they can in order to run for congress. So a Strategic Air Command program has been set up to help supply the top 5 parties with all the blockers they need in order to keep the PTOers out of congress, to sign up and be a part of the program please go here.

Coming up this Saturday are congressional elections, so expect to see lots of campaign articles in the next couple days.

How about those Air Strikes!! You know, the thing that admins added into the game to allow a country to attack anywhere in the world as long as they have enough food and cash. This was meant to try and help with the overproduction of food in the game, but it appears to have failed big time. Most countries are actually fairly poor and don’t have anywhere near the cash reserves that eUS has (most countries have less than a million in their treasury, the US has over 16 million) and can’t really afford an airstrike. But there are a few countries that could afford the cash for an air strike, but it appears none of them really gave a shit.

So the price of food and FRM did not go up, except for the first day or so when everyone got excited about something new being added to the game. After that first day it appears a lot of people just didn't care. The game mechanics only allowed a country to add food to their reserves for a short period of time (cash reserves on the other hand are added to all the time because of taxes) so all the countries had just over a week to gather up the required food reserves, even if they didn’t plan to use an air strike anytime soon.

This leaves most of the eworld without the ability to organize an air strike, unless the admins plan to have another week or so in the future where they open up the reserves and allow countries to add food to build up enough to do an air strike. Currently there are just 12 countries who still have the needed amount of food reserves to do an air strike, in alphabetical order they are Argentina, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Denmark, France, FYROM, Greece, Portugal, Romania and Uruguay.

To date, only one good air strike has been successful, if you scroll up you can see a map in which Bulgaria has basically decided to move into South America. They did an Air strike and have been fighting successfully to gather more territories. The only thing they need to do is move their capital and they can essentially move their country from one continent to another. We will see if other countries decide to do the same thing, but as explained above, most people didn’t really bother and now its too late for most countries to do anything. Good work Admins!!

edit: at the time of publication yesterday Croatia had started the process for an Air Strike against Malaysia, I was aware of it but I was not sure when it was going to happen or if it would be successful. In the past 16 hours or so Croatia initiated the attack and easily won the first battle and now have a territory in what used to be Malaysia. Croatia becomes the second country to successfully perform an Air Strike, lets wait and see how far Croatia and Bulgaria go with their air strikes.

The admins recently added air strikes to the game, but it had little if any effect on the market. The market has done nothing but continue to fall and fall and fall and fall.

A couple days ago we saw something happen that no one thought was possible, the price of one unit of Q1 Food dropped below the price of one unit of WRM. I was shocked to see the market for food so low that you are now better off producing WRM instead of producing Q1 Food. But it didn’t stop there, if you look at the market now you will notice that Q2 Food has now dropped to $0.21 per unit while WRM is staying fairly steady at $0.22 per unit. And this is after the admins introduced something that they thought would have had a small effect on the Food overproduction in order to bring food prices up a little bit. It failed, and the market for Food and FRM has dropped to an all time low.

Weapons on the other hand had a slight increase, but it was due to a temporary group of new missions that required people to build 3 rockets. The rewards for the missions are actually pretty nice so if you can complete them you should. The 3 rockets mission were forcing people to buy a lot of every weapon in order to finish the mission(if they didn’t produce them or have them in storage already). The result was weapon prices jumping for a little bit but they are on their way back down to normal, and will likely go back to their normal trend of slowly falling and falling and falling.

Gold continues its fall and is now under $900 per 1 gold. There was a recent gold sale that probably added a bit of gold into the game bringing the price down a little bit, but the trend still continues its slow decrease. The Job Market also continues to fall slowly, not that long ago when Q6 was still profitable you could find a job for over $350 dollars, now if you have a job that pays over $100 consider yourself lucky as the current rate is in the $90s for a top paying job. As a lot of people have been saying for a while, the economic module in this game is starting to become almost nonexistent.

In New York, during the summer of 2008, 3 people decided to climb up the world's tallest ladder.

The building was completed the previous year, in 2007, and reaches up over 700 feet tall. The main tenant is the New York Times Company, which is why the building is commonly referred to as the New York Times building. It’s a very green building with a whole bunch of features designed to save lots of energy including the famous Renzo Piano designed ceramic rod sunscreen. The rods are 1 and ⅝ inches wide and run basically from the bottom to the top on 3 sides of the building, this sort of turns the building into the world's largest ladder. This was a very tempting challenge for professional climber/global warming advocate Alain Robert, who scaled the entire building on June 5, 2008 and then got arrested upon reaching the top. Later that day a copy cat did the same thing, reaching the top before getting arrested. About a month later another person decided to follow along promoting his own book, however he never made it past the 11th floor of the 52 story building.

After three people had attempted to climb the building a decision was made to remove the lower part of the sunscreen that was acting as a ladder. By removing part of the bottom it made the screen unreachable to potential climbers. Apparently this didn’t work very well since in March 2012 a homeless man was found climbing the building, he managed to make it up to the 5th floor before getting stuck though.

This week's word is Acculturation

You know when you meet someone who is different than you but you learn from them and then change who you are as a person, thats acculturation on a personal level. Acculturation is the cultural modification of an individual, group, or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another culture, and it can also be a merging of cultures as a result of prolonged contact. From a scientific standpoint acculturation is studied between two different cultures that meet and then change over time. For instance, when the Europeans came over to America, both the Native American Indians and the Europeans adapted their cultures based off of meeting and being around each other.

The idea started way back in ancient times when it was seen as a bad thing to do, in order to maintain your current culture you would have as little communication/contact with people from another culture. A famous Greek philosopher (that shall go unnamed but rhymes with the last two syllables of potato) actually thought acculturation should be avoided since it would lead to social disorder.

The worlds largest waterfall, located in Venezuela, is commonly called Angel Falls, named after Jimmie Angel, an American pilot who flew over the falls in 1933. In 1937 he attempted to land on top of the mountain the falls come from, but he damaged his plane and had to descend down the mountain on foot. After news of his adventure spread the waterfalls were named after him.

It’s so tall that as you can see from the pictures it rises above the clouds. The total height of all the waterfalls is calculated at 3,212 ft, while the tallest main waterfall is 2,648 ft. To put that into perspective, the world's tallest building (with 163 floors), the Burj Khalifa in Dubai is 2717 feet tall.

Something new for you guys. Every so often I will add some trivia in my articles where you can win something. Some other people do it and it seems to be popular, so I figured I would join in the fun.

Anyway, this week the first person to tell me the common name of this as well as the city it's located in wins 500 dollars. Comment below.

Winner: Lord Dark Helmet, Congrats!
To explain a little bit about the building, its commonly called the Lotus Temple and is a Bahá'í house of worship located in New Dehli, India. It’s shaped after the Lotus flower, hence the name Lotus Temple, it’s very impressive and is a pretty decent tourist attraction. it was answered quickly because LDH is part Indian and knew the building, next week it will be a bit harder (I hope)

Every week I will be doing a giveaway to one of my subscribers and for this week the winner is Kara Beth who wins $1000 USD.

Each week I will be doing this, prizes will change from week to week depending on what I have in my storage (may be weapons, food, gold, usd or a combination), and all you have to do to win is be a subscriber! Unfortunately the game does not allow us to see who our subscribers are so I am doing my best to make a list of subscribers. If you do subscribe just say something in the comments below, if you have said something about subscribing to my paper in the past then you are on the list. But if you clicked subscribe and did not say anything there is no way for me to know, so feel free to say something below. If you are not sure whether or not you are on the list you can PM me and I can let you know.

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