CaraimanCO Boss speaks...

Day 418, 13:52 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Kretschmar

Scuttlebut is trying out a new venture - an interview with one of our quieter industrialists: Gabika of CaraimanCO (if it is well-received, I'll maybe do more interviews)

Question: CaraimanCO Sawmill seems to be a very active company with a large workforce and a high turnover of stock. Do you have a particular business model?

Reply: The first purpose of the company is to provide for all the companies which use wood in eAustria as much wood as possible. (Housing, Defense System, Hospitals). Besides this, my company endeavours to provide customer satisfaction (low prices) and development of the employees of Sawmill ( salaries plus welfare packages ).

Question: CaraimanCO only appears to operate one company unlike some which have a company producing raw materials as main supplier to a sister manufacturing company. Does the Sawmill have (a) regular customer(s) for its wood? Or do you operate more on the open market?

Reply: At present, only the Sawmill and the Diamonds companies under the aegis of the CaraimanCO organisation. Neither the Sawmill nor the Diamonds have main customers as we haven’t been approached with a deal. But, CaraimanCO is ready for any possible opportunity of cooperation with other companies. At the moment, the Sawmill maintains itself from the eAustrian open market but we have tried to sell on the eGerman and eHungarian market as well.

Question: Does the taxation structure of eAustria suit your business? What if any changes would you like to see?

Reply: My opinion is that there is a well working taxation in eAustria.
In my estimation, eAustria's goverment concentrates on the total self-sufficiency to avoid being a victim of the international exploiting companies. Regarding the taxation method, I don’t really have any idea but they should build the country a better defense and hospital system before another country attacks.

Question: How do you see your business developing?

Reply: Thank God, the Sawmill is a self-supporting company. So, I could move on another section of the raw materials market and I will be able to help the eAustrian gift production increasing. At the moment, I would like to say thanks for the leaders of "Bank of Austria" as they helped me in every moment of this project.

Question: eAustria has many nationalities living together – Serbs, Italians, Germans and Hungarians to name a few. Do you think this works well or do you see any particular risks?

Reply: I think that does not matter what kind of nationality you are. No matter if you are Serbian, Italian or Hungarian, important is how assiduous you are. Unfortunately there are many ecitizens who give up working after two days. The biggest risk is that you find such kind of employees who are not assiduous and this is independent from nationality.
At the same time I would like to ask everybody to be assiduous in their companies, to help them grow.