Cara Pindah Negara/Lokasi/Daerah [How to Move to Another Region/Country

Day 1,554, 09:28 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by sunatan


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Sebelomnya, alasan utama gw bikin artikel ini... Karena tampaknya masih banyak noob yg ngak tau gimana caranya pindah negara & juga dorongan dari temen gw, yg udah mau pensi gara2 dia musti pakek proxy buat maen dari cina, tapi ngak mau disebutin namanya.

Jadi, hari ini ceritanya temen gw lagi baca2 feed & ketemu ada yg ngamuk katanya. Gw cek di feednya CobraOi:

Terus menurut temen gw itu karena tadinya dia berada di region eChina yg tadinya region eIndo, mungkin di java. Terus pas pencet DO, disuruh pindah ke Allynya eIndo, karena dikasih warning sama eRep dan by default pasti negara yg ada dpilihan war ini pastinya malahan BUKAN negara eIndo, biasanya negara yg ikut perang. Dalam hal ini, eSpain, akhirnya pindahlah dia ke eSpain.

Dan dulu... gw juga ngak tau caranya pindah lokasi, gw pikir cuman pas waktu perang doang baru bisa pindah lokasi 😃

[Cara Pindah Negara/Daerah]

1. Klik nama masing2, yang ada di kiri:

2. Di profile masing2, pencet (change)

3. Pilih dah mau pindah kemana

4. Jgn lupa tombol donenya

Ngak banyak permintaan gw, ngak di sub/vote/shout jg gpp, cuman berharap ada eNoob yg nyantol pas lagi kebetulan butuh 🙂 Siapa tau ini bisa jadi bahan referensi buat NOOB laen, biar ngak usah menjelaskan mereka ulang gimana cara pindah.

[English Version]

It is obviously easy for old players to know this eRep features, since have existed in V1, but somehow for eNoobs this feature is quite hard to find out for the first time there is no proper in game documentation on how we could do that, unless the wiki (I actually haven't look out this matter in the wiki as well XD)

So, today a dear friend of mine told me that someone is getting mad and throw all of his rage in my MU's feed. I do check out this issue and this is what I found out:

I won't translate all of those to English, for sure he was mad because the DO changed rapidly and he was complaining that it is quite expensive for "NOOBS" to travel and travel and travel and sacrifice his Septim for DO. In my conclusion he traveled from eIndonesia to eSpain region (C5 to B3), which mean 80 Septim not less...

We all know, if a region that a player resides is conquered by an enemy and that player push the daily order battle button which order to help an Ally, he/she will be warned that in order to fight for your Allies you must be in your Allies region. I'm certainly sure that he does this as well and in the travel option there is no close by country to move or his mother country, in this case the possible way is only to move to eSpain to help eSpain.

I do have this problem as well within my first month, I didn't know if this travel feature exists in normal circumstances. I thought we can only move to another region from the battle field (usually you get this option). Well, enough of my sad story, I'll go on.

[How to Move to Another Country/Region]

1. Klick your own name, existed in the left bar:

2. In your profile, click (change)

3. Set and suit where you want to go

4. Click done whenever you feel ready to loose your gold

Well, I don't mind if this article won't get popular, perhaps someone could use this for a reference to a NOOB if they don't want to explain this. I hope there is a NOOB came by 🙂