Candidatura mea / My candidature

Day 422, 11:54 Published in Romania Chile by Mysterious.Mind

The versions of the article are : English(first)
Hungarian(hopefully, if someone would be so kind to translate it

=====================English===== =====================

Maybe some of you know already, maybe some of you don`t know so I am informing you that I am candidating for the presidency of the party eRMDP - PDMeR

Taking into consideration that I am the only candidate for this place it is clear that I am the one who will win the internal elections. This is the reson why I firstly want to thank those form this party who suported me, and trusted me, trust shown by the votes, despite that fact that I am eRomanian and not eHungarian like most of those in this party!

My future plans for the party are straightforwar😛

1)I want to take this party from the anti-romanian extremist ideeas and convert them to moderate ideeas. Instead of insulting and spamming the romanian media I would like the ehungarians to respect the romanians(as long as they are respected themselves) while still asking their rights here in eRomanian and meditating for a peace between eRomania and eHungary with advantages to both sides!

2) I want to see exactly how many active members this party has, to contact them and to try and to listen to their wishes and demands, so that I can help them fulfill their dreams.

3) I want to gather all eHungarians(but not only them!) within eRomanian borders in this party, to increase the importance eRMDP - PDMeR has on the political stage and to help it prosper!

4) I want this party to be represented in the eRomanian Congress and I will try and make this possible either the direct way(getting into the top 5 parties in eRomania) or by an alliance with one of the top 5 parties in eRomania.

Last but not least, the most important thing that I want to fulfill is this:
To make eromanians and ehungarians live in peace and to "erase" all this hate that is now present between this 2 nations!

I would like to also write the hungarian version so if anyone can help me translate it please message me/ or comment with the translation!

Have a good evening and please vote the article!

=====================Romanian==== =====================

Poate unii dintre voi stiti, poate unii nu stiti insa candidez pentru presedentia partidului eRMDP - PDMeR

Avand in vedere ca sunt singurul candidat este clar ca eu voi castiga alegerile interne. Astfel vreau sa le multumesc in primul rand celor din acest partid care mi-au acordat voturile lor de incredere desi sunt eRoman, ei putand la fel de usor sa nu voteze!

Planurile mele pentru acest partid sunt destul de simple:

1) Doresc sa aduc acest partid din latura extremista(gen media spam, si alte genuri de activitati contra-romanesti) catre o latura MODERATA, astfel incat membrii acestui partid sa acorde respectul cuvenit eRomaniei si eromanilor, in timp ce militeaza si pentru o pace avantajoasa si pentru eUngaria si pentru beneficii aici in eRomania!

2) Doresc sa vad efectiv cati membrii activi sunt in acest partid, sa iau legatura cu ei si sa incerc sa le simt "pulsul" si ceea ce isi doresc, astfel incat sa pot sa-i ajut spre implinirea acestor dorinte.

3) Doresc sa aduc toti membrii comunitatii maghiare(si nu numai) din interiorul granitelor eRomaniei in acest partid, sa-i maresc importanta si sa il ajut sa prospere!

4) Doresc ca acest partid sa fie reprezentat in Congresul Romaniei si voi incerca acest lucru fie direct, prin intrarea in primele 5 partide din eRomania, fie indirect(printr-o alianta cu un alt partid!)

Ultimul si cel mai important lucru pe care doresc sa-l indeplinesc:
Doresc ca eromanii si eungurii sa traiasca in pace! Nu vreau sa mai vad atata URA intre cele 2 enatiuni!

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