Candidate Questionnaire[#4: March 2010]

Day 835, 18:56 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Dagda

eDate: Day 835 of the New World

In a few hours, eIreland will begin the process of selecting a new leader for this upcoming month. I can't help but think that this could be the most important election that eIreland has seen in a long time. I have decided to interview the candidates once again. JohnSmith2K9, Nithraldur, and Dubhthaigh have agreed to participate.

The Questions:

Q1: What are your plans for eIreland on a domestic level? On an international level?

Q2: What are your short-term and long-term goals for eIreland?

Q3: If elected, what would you do differently from the current administration?

Q4: What do you think of the competition this election? Who do you think is your biggest threat?

Q5: What would you say is the number one reason people should vote for you?

Your candidate's answers:


Answer to Q1: My plan for an Ireland at the domestic level is for a stronger Ireland, of better funded Military to defend these shores in times to come. As my VP runner Snake has said, we have too many people in the Manu sector of Business, I will try my best to get more people into the Con and Land areas as possible, as we need to be ready for V2 and in V2 we don’t know what is fully coming, Ireland could have a High (or similar) region, we need to be prepared for that. Our econmany is in pieces, we are far to reliant on the wargames with Mal and the Manu sector
On a international level I want Ireland to be more of a world Player, Ireland to be the Freedom Fighters of the World, were we fight for the Freedom of our allies, they have came to us in our hour of need, we will do the same, the IDF will have more fights overseas. And I want us to have build bridges with different nations.

Answer to Q2: My short time terms for Ireland is to get us ready for V2 at the end of March, I want to get our economy in order and more land and Con jobs, I want us to have a better Military which COs different time zones around the world and a more able army and for us to stop auguring and enjoy ourselves more.
On a long term I want us to be more of a world player, have a great Military and a one of the greatest small econmany nations. I want us to have great Relations with nations especially those who came in our need.

Answer to Q3: I would be more open to the public as a country can’t run without the people knowing what they people they have elected is doing. I will make sure the wargames MPP does not run out as it did in the last months costing us money, EP and Wellness, I will not be trying to destroy our relations with other nations but I will trying to build them. I will make sure the IDF has the money and guns they need to protect Ireland and her Allies

Answer to Q4: The competition is good and will be a good battle I can’t wait for it, between Me, Nith and Dubhs. No offence to IUP but I feel Dubhs is the main competition to my run. I hope Dubhs and Nith has a good election and try to keep it sane.

Answer to Q5: I am for CHANGE and very active, I am never offline expect for school and sleep. So there is no chance of me go missing, also I am. And will be fighting for Change in this nation. For the better, so we can be ready for V2 and be more of a world player.


Answer to Q1: On a domestic level I would simply have to say, all the things concerning the new work environment of the Ministries. They will all be changed, some of course in a much lesser extent. A minor revamp is in some cases enough. Others on the other hand, like the MoD, will need some major changes. Our country isn't very well protected. Sure we can do some damage, but it's uncoordinated. If we are to be a self - respecting nation, we have to make sure that we can stand our ground. The major focus on domestic level would be to get all the parties working together, working under the Ministries, without having the need to constantly fight eachother over little things, delaying our development. On an international level, we'd have to look at our Foreign Affairs. Back when I was President, we had some really good foreign relations. Those still affect us today, but to a lesser degree. My aim is to rebuild these and reinstate their former glory.

Answer to Q2: Short - term would be to get rid of the infighting once and for all. Show that a candidate from a different party, is capable of reaching out to the opposition. We're all trying to do what we think is best for Ireland. I am convinced we can make things work.
Long - term goals is a bit harder. In order to fully accomplish these, one would need more than 1 consecutive term to be able to implement the necessary changes. Ireland has shown it's face to the world, and now we have to stick by it. They know we exist. A long - term goal would be to make sure that we remain a player on the international theatre, don't get steamrolled and promote living in Ireland.

Answer to Q3: I think the above 2 questions sum it up pretty good. We'd have to make sure communication runs more smoothly. More smoothly between the Ministries and between the government and the people, hence why I am stressing about the new informative channel to be used by anyone. Confusion and finger - pointing is what caused problems during the RW's. Like I've said before, if we are to get somewhere, we have to realise everyone has some good ideas, we just have to make them work together.

Answer to Q4: There are no threats. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being arrogant. Thinking of another candidate is a threat would just be wrong. Every person should be running with the motivation of doing what's best for Ireland. If this is the case, then I don't feel threatened by anyone. I'm hoping they will fulfill what they stand for and allow the rest of the people insight in their running of things.

Answer to Q5: A tough one. I'd have to say..resilience. Spiced up with a hint of experience and a side - dish of perseverance. The young ones only know me through my articles where I stand up to congress, defending our military or trying to make it work. Otherwise it would be through my monthly Hammer article, where I give my unsalted opinion on the candidates. Of course, this month, I will be hammering myself. Experience, well, this one speaks for itself, just look at the profile or at the wiki page or ask any senior Irish citizen. If you have lived in eIreland for over 2 years without a single day of true inactivity, then you are allowed to claim the experiencecard. Perseverance would be needed to get all the capable men and women working together. This will be a difficult task, looking at the current climate, but we can't just give up because it's hard. We're Irish, we've never given up when things became rough. We just got stronger. We will need to maintain this mentality in the near future.


Answer to Q1: I'll keep these answers short as they are mainly answered in my manifesto.

1. Give player more reasons to log in each day.

2. Reform our military into a more reliable, flexible and structured entity.

3. Improve the economy by investment, education and reform.

4. Take intelligent, reasoned and beneficial action in every aspect of government.

5. Move our country into V2 with decisive change, that will benefit the most people to the most degree.

6. Make eIreland take advantage of it's recent international exposure by getting involved with foreign countries through the mediums of; war, alliance, trade and brotherhood.

7. Move eIrish politics into a progressive and pro-active mentality, whilst still retaining our strong and rich history.

8. Create and solidify guides of best practice in ministries - to ensure that the most work gets done this month and in the future.

9. Work damn hard every day! (even if it means clicking 'work' to prove it! 😛 )

Answer to Q2: 1. Unite eIreland under clear purposes. We need to be proud of our heritage and use our community spirit to drive forward into real change. We need to work together.

2. Create national goals in this game to achieve and work towards, things that will make everyone excited to log in and play each day. I feel that becoming closely involved with other countries can go someway towards this, along with real wars and other community activities.

3. Prepare for and invest in the V2 changes, bringing the most possible good for eIrish citizens.

4. Create and institute proven, effective and flexible structures in all aspects of eIreland - economy, military and government.

5. Pride, prosperity, unity and strength.

Answer to Q3: 1. I will strongly lead my cabinet towards clear and beneficial goals.

2. There will be no retroactive action - innovation and initiative will rule.

3. Hard working, active and strong leadership.

4. Dedication to democratic principles in government: accountability, transparency and holding the interests of the player at heart

Answer to Q4: I have mixed opinions of the competition.

Nith has had experience in government which is a bonus, but has no recent involvement in what is a very changed political scene. Him and his supporters have also begun to engage in petty and shameful mudslinging; especially focusing on irrelevant 'facts.'

JSK is a good guy and he is very familiar with the Dáil. However, I feel that he has had little experience in an important or directing role, and would be grappling with his VP Snakeyes very often for control of policy direction and overall goals.

Answer to Q5: Despite what is said, I have been the most consistently contributory person to eIreland out of all of the candidates. I am familiar with every aspect of government, I am familiar with what the citizens need, and I am chomping at the bit to work with a great team to make eIreland a better place.

I want to thank the candidates for participating; however, I do want to apologize to Munster Tom. He agreed to participate, but I really wanted to get this article out before the elections start. I wish all of the candidates luck, and I hope the best candidate wins and carries eIreland to glory. I urge you all to read the candidates manifestos, and to make an informed vote tomorrow. Subscribes, votes, and comments are appreciated. Thank you for reading.