Candidacy For United Nigeria Party President.

Day 2,488, 18:16 Published in Nigeria USA by Oothere


The purpose of me writing to you all is to be aware of the upcoming Party President election on Day 2,491 that is the 15th of this Month. To be brief, I am running for Party President for the 3rd trial.

About Me:
-One of the very first founding fathers of eNigeria
-Commander of Nigeria Peace Corp.
-United Nigeria vice president.
-eNigeria Current Minister of Foreign Affairs.
-ex Nigeria vice Minister of Defense
-12 months of hard worker in Erepublik. (1 Year Anniversary)

As Your Party President:-
1. I make sure I keep our party feeds as active as possible.
2. Give chance to anyone willing to run for Congress.(lots of seats available)
3. Will decide who will represent us for Country President as I am not running.
4. Figure out whats going on with the forum and see how I can make players sign up with the official one.
5. If possible I could try to mass email all members about things they needed to do.
6. I will also try to find ways we can have fun and arrange special events to get to know each other.
7. Try to communicate with other parties on steps they are taking.
8. Will try to inform all members on any issues or changes.

That's all I have to say right now but I am also open to feedback's and criticism on how to become a better Party President.

Your Comment is My Number 1 Priority: So Please Comment Below.

(2009-current) 5 years old and 1 year hard worker anniversary.