Canadian News Desk

Day 587, 07:12 Published in Canada Canada by supabeasty

Many things have been occuring in Canada recently and here is an overview of them.

Croatia Thanks Us

Croatia has sent many thanks toward all its allies and helpers through the Croatian Crisis. They have said that they will never give up even if their economy is ruined and their tax system destroyed. They will not give up! Even with a majority of people against the country in Congress, they were able to secure Raska from the enemy takeover force.

Attorney-General's Vacation

The current Attorney General, Scorpius, is resigning from his office because he will not have any access to a computer for a few weeks. He has decided that he would not be able to serve the country when he is not there. He has been responsible and resigned from his spot. Taking his place will be Adasko and the deputy will still be Thordan.

The attorney general has taken a vacation.

Big Tax Reform

Dean22 has released the very important and large tax reform package. All industries will bechanging to 1% VAT (raw materials at 0% VAT) and Income Tax to 15%. The New Food Import Tax will come to 75%. The reform will put the New Weapons Import Tax at 50%. The New Iron Import Tax is 5%. The New Grain Import Tax will be 50% if the plan succeeds. The New House Import Tax will be 35%. Lastly the New Hospital Import Tax will be 1%. He says that with this bill, company profits will go up by 28% to 32%. Prices will go down by 6%. Average worker wages will go up by 8%. And the monthly budget for Canada will go up by 27%.

With this new plan the economy should go up.

Cobra Slanders The CSIS

Yesterday COBRA verbally attacked the CSIS for being worthless and pretty much bragging all about the organization. They are saying that the CSIS hasn't found any of the breaches in Congress, in the Cabinet, they haven't stopped the sabotage and so on. Some people (like me) agree that the CSIS is not doing a very good job with countering COBRA but there director was a member of COBRA too. I am against COBRA and I don't think they will ever get there money which isn't that much. But I must give them credit for running ther terrorist organization very well and getting all that information. You never know who may be an agent here in Canada.

Ouch that must of hurt.