Canadian Jokes

Day 1,442, 00:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

Yesterday I wrote an article about how we should remove Canada from Wales. Unfortunately it didn't work in time so here's a few jokes about the Canadians to try and make you laugh. (Warning most jokes are seriously not funny so please refrain from killing yourself).

Q: Did you hear about the war between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia? A: The Newfies were lobbing hand grenades; the Nova Scotians were pulling the pins and throwing them back.
Q: What do you call a sophisticated American? A: Canadian.
Q: What's the difference between an American and a Canadian? A: An Canadian not only has a sense of humour but can also spell it.
Q: What do urine samples and Canadian beer have in common? A: The taste!
Q: Who would win in a fight between Celine Dion and Shania Twain? A: We all would!
Q: What are the 2 seasons in Canada? A: WINTER AND JULY!
Q: Why aren't there any Mexicans in Canada? A: They can't run that far.
Q: How do Canadian Environmental groups plan on using Hilary Clinton to stop the spread of Asian carp into the Great Lakes? A: By having her go Skinny Dipping in Lake Michigan
Q: Why is the late Corey Haim going to be buried in his native Canada? A: The USA and Canada held a coin toss and Canada lost!
Q: Why did Leandro Barbosa choose to play for the Toronto Raptors? A: Because they have much better pot in Canada!
Q: Why does Celine Dion want to purchase the Montreal Canadiens? A: Because she wants to ruin more than just music!
Q: Why is President Obama contacting the Prime Minister of Canada about the failed economy? A: To find out how Canadians live off of less!
Q: What was the original title for "Canadian Idol"? A: "The Worlds Biggest Hoser"
Q: Why did Bill Clinton choose Canada as the site for his summit with Yeltsin? A: So he could look up some college buddies who moved up there during the war.
Q: What is the difference between a Canadian and a canoe? A: A canoe tips. Q: Whats the difference between a Canadian and a unicorn? A: Nothing,theyre both fictional characters
Q: How was copper wire invented? A: Two Canadians were fighting over a penny.
Q: Why don't Canadian women wear sleeveless dresses? A: They aren't allowed to bare arms Q: How do you know Adam was a Canadian? A: Who else could stand beside a naked woman and be tempted by a fruit?
Q: Why are the obese angry at the Supreme Court of Canada for giving them extra seats when they fly Air Canada or WestJet? A: Because they wanted extra meals!
Q: Why is George W Bush considering moving to Canada? A: Because his penis size will increase from 6 inches to 15.24 centimeters! S1: Rush Limbaugh said he'll move to Canada if the Health Care overhaul passes congress! S2: Upon hearing Rush's intentions Canada immediately countered by banning oxycontin!

Told you!