Canadian Health Services Update - Read If You Need Wellness! -

Day 574, 19:54 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez

(Note: Please vote this up as much as possible so we can get as many citizens as we can to see it.)


The Canadian Health Services has been operating since February, and it has seen no major upgrades since then. Prices have remained the same and procedure. It used to cost 15.45 CAD for 10 wellness, but since the eWorld is changing and costs have dropped, the CHS needed a change as well.

So here they are...

1."The price charged for 10 Wellness shall be reduced to $10 CAD for 10 Wellness in accordance with allowances in the recently passed act of Congress. Anyone under 80
Wellness is eligible to benefit from the subsidy, subject to limitations based on number
of requests, frequency of requests, and budget restrictions.

TIER 1: Donate $1 / Wellness
Citizens will donate $1 / per Wellness, and they will fill out the request form. Should limitations preclude the extension of the full subsidy, CHS will PM the individual and refund the full donated amount.

To explain further on this: If your wellness is currently below 80, You pay 1 CAD per wellness that you want. So if you want 10 wellness, you donate 10 CAD. If you want 15 wellness, you donate 15 CAD. If you wanted 4 wellness, you would donate 4 CAD, and so on. Pretty simple right!

Rmember that if you do want more than 10 wellness, you fill out the request form again. (Request form is below.) So if you want 14 wellness, you fill out the form once for 10 wellness, than again for the remainder 4 wellness. Since you can only be gifted 10 wellness per day, it makes sorting easier. So fill the form out in groups of 10 wellness or less at a time. So if you wanted 5 wellness, you just fill the form out and put 5 wellness. But if you want 18 wellness, fill it out once for 10, than again for the other 8 wellness.

Donate your money to Canadian Health Services

TIER 2: Donate $1.55 / Wellness
Citizens over 80 Wellness pays at-cost for wellness at a rate not to exceed $1.55 / Wellness. When limitations preclude a citizen from using TIER 1, they may still use TIER 2. If, at the time of gifting, the CHS can get gifts at a cheaper rate from the Canadian market, any difference in the cost of wellness will be refunded when the wellness is sent. Accounting of associated disbursements and of users participating in each tier of the program will be made and will become the basis for determining any changes to be implemented next month."

To explain further on this: If your wellness is 80 or more, you send 1.55 CAD per wellness you want. So if you want 10 wellness you donate 15.5 CAD. If you want 4 wellness you would donate 6.2 CAD, and so on.

For the time being this is how it works if your wellness is above 80. Once we run this for 1 month and gauge how high demand is and how much of our budget we have after the month. Citizens with over 80 wellness may be able to pay the same 10 CAD. But for this month, you need to pay a bit extra as we don't know how much demand we'll get or how long our budget will last. Since this is aimed at newer players, they pay the lease amount.

Donate your money to Canadian Health Services

2. "CHS is committed to working with the Canadian gifting industry, and will strive to purchase directly off the Canadian market whenever possible. The criterion for purchasing gifts will be the Cost per Quality."

To explain further on this: We will now be buying gifts from the market and not just our contracted suppliers. This will help the gift industry with sales. Also Cost per Quality means that if we can buy gifts for less than you paid, we will refund you the extra amount you sent to us.

For example: You donate 10 CAD to the CHS, we go to the market and buy 10 gifts for 8 CAD. We will send you back the extra 2 CAD. Sounds good eh!

3. "A new google form has been created to assist in the accounting of this program. All
requests for wellness will be going through this form. The CHS forum posting will no
longer be required, but will still be used for CHS information and a pending wellness FAQ to
help citizens better understand how to achieve higher wellness and keep it up. The form will also recommend signing up on the eCanada forums, which was one of the main reasons the CHS forum was set up, to bring more citizens to the eCanada forum."

To explain on this further: You will no longer need to be registered on the eCanada Forums and sign into the CHS thread and post your info. All you need to do now is go here CHS Request Form. Fill out what it asks and your done. Then just wait for your gifts to arrive.

The CHS thread on the forum will only be used for questions regarding the health plan and a FAQ about wellness and what you can do to keep it up etc. (This is still being completed.)

So as a conclusion...

If your wellness is below 80, donate 1 CAD per wellness that you want.

If your wellness is above 80, donate 1.55 CAD per wellness that you want.

Donate your money to Canadian Health Services

Go to this forum and fill it out. CHS Request Form. Then just wait for your gifts.

Further updates.

Keep an eye out for further upgrade to the CHS in the next month or two. We are working on a plan that will see the CHS partner with Immigration Canada to help new citizens. We are also working on a plan for citizens with really low wellness. I can't give details as of yet as they are still being improved upon.

Thank you for reading,

-Emilio Sanchez, Minister Health of Social Services
-Mackaybre, Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send a PM with your questions my way.


Donate to the Guerra Organization today. Also known as the War Fund.

This is a new charity that aims to bring more training wars to Canada. You donate to the SCOTIA org to build hospitals and Defense Systems. So why not donate to a charity that will let us use those facilities!!

Go to this article to read more: Introducing the War Fund.