Canadian Company Registry

Day 664, 19:54 Published in Canada Canada by Cypher Rahl

Please all Canadians go here , subscribe and follow the latest fight orders everyday.

Ladies and Gentlemen I am proud to announce that I Cypher Rahl will be taking on part of the duties of maintaining of our great Canadian Company Registry!!!

Thats right it is back and many thanks to Kelly Mahoney who has put forward an amazing effort to maintain this great utility!

To ALL Canadian Companies please Check this LINK and see if your company is listed.

IF NOT!! PM myself either on the eCanadian forums or here in game and give me the needed information i need to insure that your company is listed for all eCanadians to see so that we may ALL continue to support our great local companies!


Business Name: T.N.S Q2 Oil
Controlling Organization: T.N.S Inc
Organization Owners: Cypher Rahl
Business Type: Oil
Business Quality: 2
Location: Colombia
Operational: Yes(Hiring)

If you do not own a company that is ok please vote this article up so that we can insure all canadian companies can get registard ASAP!!