Canada, who are you going to vote for?

Day 350, 15:16 Published in Canada Russia by Edward Edison

It's about 9 hours before presidential election. But have canadians made their decison? And if they already did, what helped them to make a choice? Let's find out:

Q: Who are you going to vote for and how have you made your decision?


My decision for the upcoming election was made easier because of the ease of elimination of some of the candidates. Three of the candidates were removed from the "eligible" list very quickly--two because they do not have enough force or focus to effectively lead the country; the third, because of a constant and repeated lack of respect for other Canadians. That left two logical choices.

The choice between the final two came down to their actions in the Triumvirate Cabinet. Both exhibited leadership. Both wanted to do the right thing for the country. Unfortunately, one of the two made decisions and statements (in Cabinet and publically) that I do not support. That was enough to point me toward my only choice for President.

While I will not share my choice, I sincerely hope that all Canadians will take the time to evaluate the candidates in the same detail that I did. I hope that everyone will reach the same conclusion that I have. But in the end, I have to respect anyone who has made an informed, well considered decision.

Mishkola Hiard

Well, I am currently undecided as to who I will vote for, however I hold the following three things most important in a presidential candidate (they are also listed in order of importance):

1. Proper Motives
The Presidential Candidate must do what he/she believes is best for Canada and must not be in this for personal gain or just for, as I like to term it, 'shits and giggles'

2. Knowledge
The Presidential Candidate must have knowledge of how eRepublik works and eCanada in specific, in order to make educated decisions.

3. Economic Orientation
The Presidential Candidate must be strongly desiring to strengthen the eCanadian economy.

David Eastcorner

I will vote for a outspoken leader who has a good platform that promises to fix some of our more desperate problems here in Canada, such as our economy. Not to mention an aptitude for speeches, when they are needed. After all, a leader who is completely inactive and quite, like Faltnor, doesn't inspire the population at all. But a speech-maker, like Adam Sutler, shows us what we all strive for as eCanadians, and as Erepublikans.

Alexander Rearden

Well, I am basing my decision on a few key things, experience, activity and if the policies they outlined are close or the same as those I have or would propose. Being CAF General and MoF my mine focus is on the next Prime Minister's economic and defense plans, as well as consideration of the revised cabinet proposal I put forth in congress.

Derek Apollyon

I do know who I'm going to vote for, I made my decision today after some communication with the candidate. I always vote for politician's who "play nice" (both in RL and ER).

Tom Hagen

I'm not going to vote.

Emilio Sanchez

Well, being a member of CPF, I support my party and the great citizens that are a part of it. I know who I am going to vote for, and I made my decision by thinking.. 'Who can steer our country in the right path, and who can fix our problems.'

We need someone to fix the problems we have now, before we can move forward. I think we need to elect someone who knows about our politics and how it works, our economy, and the programs that are in place to help us as a country. What would be the point of having programs in place in they are not being used correctly.

We need someone who knows how to whip those programs into shape and put them to use, and also put the right people in charge of them to get the most benefit out of them. I want to wish all the people running for the position of Prime Minister all the best in the elections.

Eric Boucher

I choose my vote of president in the independance purpose (bloc populaire du quebec candidate...)

Michel Junior

Well I'm going to vote for the person with the most experience and also someone I believe will be an active Prime Minister. I don't want a repeat of some of the last leaders. Even if I'm part of a political party and also a active member of that party my vote for this position is not limited to my party as this position is already balance out by congress wich was not the case in Beta, so we are now looking for someone that has great communication skill and don't ruffles feathers since there jobs will be more of a mediator between the parties and also the voice of eCanada.

The foreign relation skill is import to note because this is where the real power of the Prime Minister now lies. Tantis has show us many time in the pass his ability in key foreign relation position and aggreement. Dean22 have also show us some aspect of his ability in this by concluding deal with foreign nation that would benifit eCanada and has an extense network.

Zblewski clear head and calm demenor is a great ability when dealing with agitated players and can be rely on to keep calm when dealing with foreign nation. Al these candidate has other great quality but foreign relation and activity are the two most important thing in my oppinion, since congress really controle the rest.

On the other hand, Tantis has had some activity issued in the pass due to RL wich we all have. Dean22 has a temper that could really get eCanada into trouble if he deal with foreign leaders in the same way he deal with eCanadians. Finaly Zblewski is suffering from having been to long in Cottus Arci shadow, he has experience, but he keep to much to himself so no one really know what he did sadly.

So basicly I still haven't made my choice yet since I'm waiting to see who will overcome there flaws and conitue to exploit there strengh until election day.