Can't buy me love (Join the eSpain revolution)

Day 2,680, 01:44 Published in Poland Poland by Almirante Cjhurruca
Fight against dictatorship by joining this MU, for the glory of Varnish!

I stay here for one simple yet powerful reason: The community.

Back in 2010 when I started playing I came here seduced by the idea of this new world simulator and enjoyed every bit of it.
Every article, every campaign and election, victory in war and even defeat were something fun cause if you didn't have the weapons you could embark in economic warfare or spam wars for the more twisted.

Nevertheless, sadly, that world is gone, and we knew it was gone since the March revolution. Since then the game changed towards a fully military orientation but still we kept enjoying it.

Up to today, more changes have been introduced to the military module.
Latest one has been the dictatorship module. This module may suppose the deathblow of an already dying game, because it allows someone with unlimited resources (e.g. VISA) and, what's more important, having malign intentions, to destroy a community.

This has just happened to eSpain. eSpain, as most countries, has a fragile community. This is due the decreasing number of players in this world.
Well, for the last few days we have been under the ruling of a dictator, Hitman79, whose only merits are having a good paycheck to fuel his visaplaying and deceiving people. He reached power with the support of part of the citizens, just to betray everyone once there and started a tantrum based government.

This is his last tantrum:

Raising all the taxes to the maximum, to a point that working in any way even as WaM turns out in a big loss. And since eSpain is occupied not only the players go on loss but it all goes to Serbia.

I'm not against the dictatorship itself, as it is part of new game rules, and well used it can bring some "pepper" to the game.
I can understand that someone can twist the strategy to help the enemy, or even steal or betray the voters, after all it's all part of the game.

But these last measures he took regarding taxes aim only to one thing: Destroy eSpain and its community.
He is forcing remaining players to leave the country or the game, being these monetary policies specially harsh on the noobs.

But he doesn't care, ingame taxes doesn't affect his VISA at all. And he has bought the country so he thinks he can do whatever he pleases. And in this "thought" process he forgets one simple tiny details: Players are people, and they cannot be bought with his visa. He is screwing the game big time for hundreds of people.

That's why we ask now help for the international community. WE HAVE STARTED A REVOLUTION TO OVERTHROW THIS PERSON. And we request your assistance and help fighting him to succeed.

This might seem as a cry, but think about it, if we don't set some common ground lines to enjoy the game we become less than extras in the battles, we're just props laying around destined to fullfill some rich megalomaniac's dude attention and ego needs (for free of course)

If this guy has it his way and reach his goal to destroy eSpain permanently all the eR world loses part of its soul. How will the cheezeburgers live without doublespaniards?
And what's more important: it could settle precedent to do this a standard practice in the future destroying whole communities. And next time it cold be yours.

That's why I ask you all to join the revolution. It doesn't matter you dislike eSpain, but at least for once fight for its community.

Let's fight these guys who think the other players are of their property.

Signe😛 Almirante Cjhurruca. Old eR player without a VISA (but big balls xD).

Original content © by Leogar


Former anti-dictatorship activist, now...

If anyone had doubts about community support to the revolt