
Day 653, 16:00 Published in Philippines USA by Anthony Trafford

**Note, I actually wrote this out, and then something happened where I clicked my backspace button to fix a spelling error, and my browser went back a few pages. Anyways, the article I was originally posting was actually quite nice... well now, I really dont give a damn**

Right now, I'd like to single out one person who said, "Negative campaigns are the trademark of those with no real plan of their own." Thats right Reclusive Monkey, I am singling you out. Call it whining, or whatever the hell you want to call it... this is my response to what I believe to be a very ignorant statement:

Every... campaign is based off negativity. Every single person who runs for office needs to make themselves look better in the eyes of the voters. Are you not familiar with this? Every single campaign is designed to point out the flaws of the other candidates for whichever position they are running for. As I said, every campaign is based off of this... are you telling me that every single person who has ever run for any office neither runs with, or has "no real plans of their own"? That, my good sir, makes literally no sense to me... absolute zero sense. Good day sir.

Now I dont think its fair to whine about that any longer... actually I don't care, I'd probably continue it anyways... rather, I don't think its fair that I single out just RM. So here, I am going to single out someone that said something that actually made sense to me... and probably to everyone who read it.

EZEX Lacroa had something very positive to say about this whole situation: "stop the flaming..." and I think everyone in the world should take that, put it into their pipes... and smoke it. Because honestly, just stop the flaming 😑 kthx bye.

Anyways, I do have another reason why I threw a plug-in for him into this article. EZEX said something that made me think. "the both of you will look like RL corrupt politicians here in eRepublik..." To be honest with you, every single politician in eRep looks like, and acts like real life politicians, you know?

The current CP Ariel should debate with Nina Ayu, and that way the voters that actually go to the forum (...I dont anymore, cause I don't care that much... I'm doing my job at recruiting people from outside eRep into this game, so I'm not wasting my time...) can pick the one they choose to be the best possible candidate. But it's probably WAY to late for that to happen (...unless it did happen, I haven't been on the forums in a while...)

My final point is that campaigning should be done by the Candidates... not the supporters. Though I am not above supporting my favorite candidate (*cough* Nina *cough😉 those outside the actual race itself should keep the promoting to the bare minimum. Like, little plug-ins here and their for them.

Wanted to get that off my chest. Anyways, post comment or even whine about whatever in the comments section below.