Campaign Update: Kavman SFP PP

Day 3,825, 18:53 Published in USA USA by kavman011

Campaign Update

1.Focus on Junior Members Mentor-ship: In order to better focus on the junior members of the Socialist Freedom Party it is best to provide them with the knowledge and services to succeed in the eWorld. The mentor-ship program was established by Maxwell Hans in Jan of 2018. Unfortunately this program has fallen to the wayside. To no fault of any members (including Maxwell) RL takes charge when it needs to. This program is beneficial to both the Senior SFP members, and the Junior SFP members. It is not designed as an Aid program; instead as a "ask the Chief" program. While mentors may be asked to financially assist their protege's; It is completely the mentor's choice to do so. The purpose is to get to know members who desire success in this party. We have to build our foundation strong in order to withstand storms that come our way. While details have not been hashed out, I will work to reinstate this program within the first week after the elections (with the RC support).

2.Membership. My detailed plan for membership is simple. Money makes the world go round. All new members added during my Tenure as Comrade Chairman will automatically be enrolled in the mentor-ship program. These members will participate as much as can be expected. As far as recruiting; all members who recruit a new member that meets the expectations above will receive 1 Gold per member. The idea is not simply for growth, but for productive growth. We do not want a party of members who do not have a clue what to do. When I started my eLife in 2008, there were 0 mentor-ship programs. We learned the mechanics the hard way, and while it made us stronger it also leads to frustration, and ultimately ending this experiment we call Erep. Day one after elections will begin the counter, and once the mentor-ship program is up, the new SFP recruits will be expected (required) to provide their mentor with a minimum of once-a-week updates on levels, and something they learned that week. Simply adding numbers will not make us a great party. Preparing the members to lead us in the future will.

3.Party Participation Priority 3 directly correlates with Priority 1, and 2. Simply put; we must get our members involved.

Party Cabinet:
Vice President-Looking for a highly motivated member!!!
Secretary General-Orly Levy Abekasis
Spokesman- Looking for a highly motivated Member!!!


Candidate Socialist Freedom Party President